James and Lena part 2

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"Are you two ready?" Monel asked James and Lena, they were off to start a whole new life together on another planet. 

"We're ready." Lena answered holding James's hands in her own. 

"Lift off in 3, 2, 1. We are in the air." Monel said. They heard a tapping in the window, and there was Kara and John, waving at them. Monel smiled and waved at Kara. Monel tapped his coms,

"Supergirl and John please move away from the air craft, we are about to leave Earth's atmosphere."

"I love you." Kara said.

"How unprofessional, Girl of Steel." Monel said smiling. Kara made a face at him.

"I love you too." He said. They heard a loud whoosh. 

"Okay, we're out the atmosphere. We'll be there in two days, 48 hours to be exact, there aren't really days out here." Monel said.

"Hey Monel," Lena said, he turned his chair around to look at her. "thank you for doing this, I know how much you hate leaving Kara, It just means a lot to me."

"Your our friends I'm happy too." he said kindly.

"You really want to marry her don't you." James asked. Monel looked down and smiled.

 "Yeah I do. Before I go back home, I'm stopping at Argo to asked Alura if I can marry Kara, and to get some Kryptonen metal to make ring out of." Monel answered.

"Thats really romantic." James said smiling.

"When are you going to do it?" Lena asked.

"On the day I first landed on Earth, Kara and I have many firsts, but thats the day my life started."  They all smiled. 

"So are you two ready to start a whole new life together?" Monel asked the couple. 

"We are." James answered. 

"I'm a little nervous. Can you tell us about it?" Lena asked Monel.

"We're going to planet called Contraxia, (I know I stole that name from GOTG2), they are under the Legion's protection, It's a lot like Earth, But there are 3 suns and five moons. They only have spring and fall, no winter or summer. Days are 26 hours, they have a king and queen, but currently just a king, they are a little more advanced there, little to no crime, anyone can get married, over the age of 30, the 'natives' I guess is what you would call them are yellow or pink, and they live to be 300, Contraxia is also open to everyone with out a home,  so you will run into many different types of aliens. The main issue facing Contraxia is sickness, so Lena, If you want I could talk to the king and you could work in the labs, and James, you can still be Guardian, thwy would love your help." Monel explained. 

"I would love to help." Lena said. 

"Me too, I'm very happy I would have to hang up my hood just yet.

~2 days later.~

"James, Lena, wake up, we made it." 

"Oh wow. Its beautiful." Lena breathed, looking over her new home world. A huge smile grew on her face. 

"This is breath taking." James said. Monel smiled looking out the window. 

"I can't believe we're finally here." Lena said. 

"I need to have a chat with the king, so you two stay in here, I'll be right back." Monel said, James and Lena nodded. 


"Okay your all set, are you ready to see your new home?" Monel said poking his head in the ship.

"Lets go." James said. 


"I don't mean to complain, but we've been walking for an hour, how much longer?" Lena asked panting. 

"Oh come on Lena its not that bad, you better get used to this, Contraxians walk everywhere." Monel said with a grin. Lena groaned. 

"Its really a really steep climb will be doing this everyday?" James asked.

"No, we just have to get over this hill. then a nice walk down hill into the heart of the planet. Its all flat down there, so no more hills." Monel explained. 

"Why couldn't we just fly over this?" Lena asked.

"Theres a shield we put over the mountain, this is all the protection they have. Contraxia is open to all, but they want determined people living here, once you get over this mountain, you are an official citizen. I can not tell you the amount of times I've walked people up and down this mountain." Monel said.

"Well you have powers, so couldn't you fly people over this, or if you installed the shield you use your ship." Lena said.

"This is a strict no powers, no fly zone. and there is no where to land once your in the city." Monel explained. "Now come on, we're almost half way over." 

"Only half way?!" James exclaimed. Monel laughed.


"If you are settle in for the night, I'm going to the King's to call Kara."

"We are." James said. "Tell her hi for us." Lena added.


"Hey Earth."

"Monel!" Kara exclaimed. They were on a hologram video chat.

"Rao I miss you." Monel said.

"I miss you more, I've had to buy all my meals, and stop crimes all alone." Kara said.

"The horror." Monel said jokingly. "So everything has been good there?"

"Yeah, we found some Cadums members with kryponite bullets, don't freak out, I got grazed on my side, but I'm FINE." Kara said pointedly.


"I said don't freak out." Kara said.

"I'm not freaking out!" Monel said. Kara gave him a look. "Okay I am freaking out, you got shot and I could have stopped it!"

"Monel I'm fine. Alex already beat the crap of the guy, and I'm all healed now. Alex even cleared me to go out in the field."

"Okay thats good. Hug Alex for me. I'm glad your okay. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." Monel said.

"It's okay. You'll be here next time. Other then that I've been great. I've written articles, and Lena and James leaving, and the Cadums goons. I just miss you."

"I miss you so much. I wish you were here, you would love it."

"Well tell me about it then!" Kara said.

"Okay well the 2 days flying in space wasn't fun, then we had a 2 hour walk a mountain to get here, and James and Lena where complaining basically the whole time." 

"Well I would be too! its a two hour walk up hill." 

"And then another two hours to get to their house." Monel said.

"Oh Rao, and I thought I had it bad."

"Its not that big of a deal, its nice weather and its just walking." Monel said.

"For four hours! with no powers!" Kara exclaimed.

"Well you would have some powers, they have orange suns, so you would have half of your strength."

"Still. Not everyone is like you, you enjoy that sorta thing." Kara said. 

~to be continued.~

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