14."Life's Insanity"

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It drives me crazy, all the monsters we avoid

Life leaves me stressed, restless, dumb, and paranoid

Times get rough and we begin to shed our tears

Showing weakness, hate, and expressing all our fears

Moments in time of quitting, I just want to stop

I don’t know if I can handle all these crazy drops

Like a rollercoaster, I just begin to spiral down

Life is spontaneous, spinning you in circles round and round

Test out all our nerves, poke at our main frustrations

Like a game, this is our board and we are surely stationed

Pawns of this world, take the steps onto the wide unknown

One false move and all our opportunities get blown

Scared of what’s to come in dreaded life’s insanity

Persevere and lift yourself, let go of all the gravity

Life hits us hard and leaves us damaged by sudden calamity

We will only rise higher and break though our crazy life’s brutality

It affects the bad and equally the innocent

A bit insane but also a tad magnificent

Life’s mysterious, but that’s what makes it legitimate

Undiscovered secrets lost because it’s so intricate

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