1."Life's Intricacy"

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It affects the bad and equally the innocent

A bit insane but also a tad magnificent

Life’s mysterious, but that’s what makes it legitimate

Undiscovered secrets lost because it’s so intricate

Like a maze, life is confusing and articulate

Its correctly delicate but yet completely infinite

We all live once because life is sadly limited

Rising to the angels because death is its equivalent

Live it to the fullest, that’s our main increment

No matter how hard we pull through all the predicaments

Choosing many paths because somethings must be prohibited

Learn from our mistakes or fail for being uninterested

Guided by God, in life we are his participant

Life’s intricacy can leave us all feeling illiterate

But his help and praise is more than just a stimulate

Shoot for the stars, in life boundaries are unlimited

Love for success is far beyond affectionate

We seek our dreams and that opinion is definite

Reaching for the highest, only amount to the excellent

In life you are sure of yourself, there is no estimate

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