Supernatural X Riverdale

Start from the beginning

"What?" The moose asked confused. 

"Pull in there!" The girl cheered with a smile. 

"Pops?" He questioned as she only smirked. 

"Best food in town," Smiled the blonde. 

"Good, I've been needing to eat," With that, they all made way into the diner.

"So Betty who are your friends?" Veronica asked as she walked over with Archie trailing behind her. 

Dean sipped his milkshake looking up from their talk as he glanced his husbands way taking the angels hand in his as Sam finally took eyes off his freaking laptop for once. 

"FBI... I'm showing them around town for a while," The blonde exclaimed. 

"Wow, that's cool!" Veronica exclaimed as she took a seat next to Betty as Archie pulled up a chair. 

"So what's it like being FBI agents?" The redhead asked. 

"Well you see a lot of death-" The trench-coated man started. 


"Sorry we were there so long and we didn't get to the more in time," Betty mumbled with a yawn as they stood next to the Impala in front of the five seasons. 

"It's cool," Dean whispered placing an arm over Castiel's shoulders. "Thanks for showing us around- Are you sure you don't need a ride home?" 

"No, I'm cool to walk." The young girl smiled. "Goodnight," And with the Winchesters and the angel made way into a hotel room finding that it was actually much nicer than the ones that they have had to stay at before. 

So there they were, Dean and Castiel on one bed looking in the lore while Sam in the other searching the web... And that went on for hours until the moose decided that he needed to put an end to the silence. 

"I've got something!" He exclaimed. "We are hunting the ghost of Jason Blossom!" 

"Betty and Alice!" The older Winchester exclaimed. "They're probably in danger," 

"You guys go burn the bones I'll teleport to their house," The angel exclaimed and right after he gave Dean a kiss he was gone is a swoosh!

After breaking many speed limits and passing many red lights the brothers soon finally laid eyes on the cemetery and just as they were about to dig up the body when suddenly a light was on them and there stood a man in a leather jacket a grey beanie resting on his head. 

"Who are you?" He asked waving his pocket knife all around. 

"FBI," Dean and Sam exclaimed at the exact same time... Jughead didn't question it- But maybe he should have. 

"Anyways... Have you seen my girlfriend-"


"Betty Cooper... She's hasn't come home all night!" He exclaimed running a hand down his face. 

The brothers looked at each other in shock and started digging. 

"Nope," Dean whispered. 

There was nothing they could do... But stop the dang ghost and then began the hunt on finding the nice blonde. 


"What are you doing here?" Alice asked looking Castiel from head to toe after she answered the door really late that night. 

"I-I uh think the murderer might come for you next," He mumbled looking behind him wondering what the heck she was staring at. "And I'm here to keep you safe," 

Alice, of course, invited the cute man in, leading him toward the living room where he stood awkwardly. "So are you staying all night?" She asked twirling her hair. 

"I don't know," He mumbled looking down not liking the way she looked at him. He was becoming very uncomfortable. 

"And who do you think the murder is?" She questioned taking a step toward him pinning him against the wall. 

"I uh-" And before he could get the words out she traced a finger along the angel's chest. "I-I'm married," 

"What's her name?" She questioned coming in even closer. 

"His name is D-Dean," The raven-haired man stuttered as her eyes widened... No not because she was hitting on a gay man but because of the knock at the door which seemed to startle them both. 

Slowly Alice made way toward the door, Castiel trailing behind her she then saw that it was only Cheryl... Wait for Cheryl? 

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked annoyed. 

The redhead looked Castiel up and down pointing to him. "I'm here for him," She whispered her eyes then flicking black. 

That was then how the whole town of Riverdale knew the Winchesters, and how all the monster stories made way through town. The story on how Alice became known as the crazy lady of Riverdale. 

That killed her own husband. 

Because no, of course, it couldn't have been the ghost of Jason Blossom... No no, it couldn't have been him- Now that would just be crazy. Monsters don't exist, as far as the town knows... Well, that was until... 

Jughead was put face to face with Betty cooper... His girlfriend who had been dead for over five years- But the Winchesters didn't ever go back there, oh god no. Of course, Bobby had assigned different hunters. 

Not because the brothers couldn't handle it but because Dean didn't want Castiel to go anywhere near Alice... God no, the older Winchester was the same as always but instead of just being too overprotective of his brother... Now he was WAY overprotective of Castiel too.

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