Chapter 4

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Okay, here's chapter 4! pls vote, comment, like and tell your friends. thanks for reading! ;)


The next day in school, I decided to make some friends. I mean, I can't keep hanging around Jack, if not, people might get the wrong idea.

I walked into my classroom and sat down at my desk for a few minutes. (I was so tired because I didn't get much sleep at night; I mean, imagine Trisha Phantom in the same room as you. She would give anybody nightmares. The worst part is seeing her without make up. Good God! Something I don't want to see ever again. Mr. Phantom told us that it would take at least two more months for their house to be done up again. I'm sure I can last 60 more days with Trisha in my room).

" You're new here right?" I heard a masculine voice asking me.

I looked up, and the first thing I noticed was his killer green eyes!

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Melanie, by the way."

"The name's Rick, football captain extraordinaire!" he replied with a cocky look on his good-looking face.

"Ricky-Ricardo! Shouldn't you be with my sister and not flirting with other girls?" I heard Jack say, with a cheeky smile on his face

"Whatevs! I'm outta here!" said Rick walking off towards Trisha.

Oh My Gawd! Jack actually chased a guy away so he could talk to me! Isn't he the sweetest?

"Hey Mel! Err.... I wanted to ask you something" he said, with a nervous look on his face

"Sure, shoot"

"well, you know, what I mean is, err... that you know... about the prom, are you going with anyone?"

"nah! If you haven't noticed, I don't know anyone here!"

"oh, well, maybe I could err.... Escort you? If that's okay with you? I mean, you don't really know anyone here, and...errr.... I thought that maybe we could, you know....go together, strictly as friends of course?"

"sure! That sounds great!!" I replied.

Then Jack walked off to go talk to some friends.

I thought that I was about to collapse!!

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