Chapter 2

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Okay, here's chapter 2.. please comment and give me feedback, also like and vote for it :D ...

The picture there is Jack

Enjoy! :)


" Jack! Oh My Gosh!" I gushed. "I haven't seen you in so long".

" Too long, I think. By the way, you look amazing." He answered.

" As do you. I saw Trisha like 2 seconds ago. You're in this class too? " I asked

Before he could reply, Trisha walked over and stood next to him. " Jack, why are you talking to that low life?"

At the word "low life", Trisha pointed at me.

" FYI, sis, Mel isn't a low life. But you, on the other hand...hmm... I don't know. Low life may actually be a compliment." Jack replied in a disgusted tone. "Come on Mel." Then he took me away to a corner of the classroom and we had a chat.

Jack always makes me feel a little bit hyper! I have no idea why. Maybe its because we have been friends for so long.

" Sometimes, I can't believe that she is your sister!" I said, not meeting his warm brown-eyed gaze.

" I myself find it hard to believe! " he replied, with a laugh.

Halfway through our first period, Lina walked in.

" Good morning students. I'm sure you all notice that there is a new student in your class. Melanie, come up here please."

My eyes became huge! Like literally, to the point that I felt that they would just pop out!

Slowly, I got out of my seat and walked over to 'Professor' Lina.

" Students, This is Melanie Jane Rose." She continued. " I hope you all treat her fairly and don't pick on her because she is new. Wait; don't pick on her at all, because, if you do, I will hear about it, and so will your parents, also you will get detention. Understood?" She said, in her clear, crisp voice.

Our second period was P.E. My whole class was forced to do the presidential race in the school field. That means at the very least, 50 round. I was the games captain before, in my old school, and I love running, but not in the presidential race.

After changing into our sports gear, Coach Winthroff ordered us to do warm ups, 50 push-ups per person. I could do the warm up with no problem. I mean I was the school athlete. I also noticed something really weird. Jack kept looking at me, and the moment I looked at him, he would start admiring his shoe.

The rest of the day went on quite smoothly. Jack and I have nearly every class together, except, I'm taking Spanish and he is taking French. So, my first day in Chapman High, wasn't too bad. As I was walking home from school (my house is just 3 blocks down), Jack caught up with me. Trisha was quite a way back, strutting in her 4-inch high heels.

" Hey neighbor!" Jack said, smiling at me, when he finally caught up

"Neighbor?" I repeated, confused

" Yeah. We are neighbors. You didn't know?"

" No." I replied, looking even more confused

" I saw the moving van yesterday, and I saw your dad. That's why I wasn't really surprised when I saw you this morning"

" ahhhhh...." Was all I could say. " Anyway, here's my house. I said. See you in the morning?"

"Definitely!" he replied looking happy

But, then, I got a really bad feeling that something bad was going to happen to Jack, something that I can't stop from happening.

In the middle of the night, I felt thirsty. My room overlooks the Phantom's house. Suddenly, something orange started blazing out of Jack's house, and it looked!

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