Chapter 13: Stay Alive

Start from the beginning

And, just like that, the robber escaped.

Thomas noticed this and grabbed his phone, dialing 911.

"Yes, hello. My friend has been shot in the chest," Thomas said as the 911 people picked up. "189 Pine Street. Thank you. And please hurry..."

The tall boyo hung up, tears flowing down his face. "Come on, your strength and stay alive..."

John gave a weak smile. "Thomas...I don't think I'm gonna make it..."

"No, no! You're gonna be just fine, buddy..," Thomas responded, smiling theough his tears. "The paramedics are on their way..."

But they weren't quick enough.

John fell limp, the life draining from his body.

John, Thomas' best friend, had died.

~Flashback over~

Thomas was beyond terrified. He didn't want a repeat of that. Especially with Alex. He didn't know what he would do if he lost someone so dear to him.

Alex was equally terrified, but his knowledge of common sense told him to stay calm and not say a word.

So that's what he did.

The robber smirked. "Give me all the money in the cash register, or all of you die."

Thomas let out this little squeak, not able to handle the situation.

Scared murmurs rang throughout the shop as the cashier rummaged through the cash register, handing the robber all of the money inside it.

The robber looked dissatisfied at how much was in there. "Is this it?"

The cashier nodded fearfully.

"Huh..," the robber said with an evil smirk. "This doesn't really meet my standards..." He looked around the store and made eye contact with Thomas. "It makes me just wanna..," he loaded his gun and pointed it at Thomas, "shoot this big shot over here."

Thomas' heart was pounding. "P-please don't..."

Despite the voices in Alex's head telling him to save his lover, he stayed perfectly still. It was selfish, but Alex cared about his own life a smidge more than Thomas'. He didn't even wanna imagine what being shot felt like.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do?!" the robber yelled in an angry tone. "Huh?!"

Thomas opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. So he shut his mouth again, praying that ths lunatic wouldn't shoot.

No such luck.

The robber fired his gun, and the bullet struck Thomas' side.

Thomas' eyes went wide, pain surrounding the wound. Not 'oh I scraped my knee' pain. He felt 'holy shit I'm gonna die soon' pain.

Alex gasped. He wasn't really expecting the robber to shoot. But when he did, rage filled Alex from head to toe. He wanted to strangle the robber, but his feet seemed as if they were glued to the ground.

The robber ran out of the shop, cackling evilly.

Thomas crumbled to the ground, blood pouring from his side. His vision became blurry, and all he could think about was dying.

Is this the end? Thomas thought, clutching the bullet wound.

Alex knelt down next to Thomas, pulling out his phone and dialing 911. Much like Thomas did when John got shot.

He explained the story to the people, gave them the address of the shop, and they said that they were on their way.

Tears of pain were running down Thomas' face, and he was trembling uncontrollably. "L-Lexi..," he groaned, the pain too much for him.

"'s gonna be okay, Tommy..," Alex said soothingly. "The ambulance is on its're gonna be just fine..."

But, in reality, Alex couldn't guarantee that.


The world was a blur for Thomas as he was lifted into the ambulance. He hoped that he would make it through this alive, as did Alex.

The ride to the hospital was spent by the paramedics trying to stop Thomas' bleeding, but to no avail. On that same ride, a piece of information was shared with Alex that made Alex's heart drop to his feet.

One of the paramedics sighed and turned to Alex. "Mr. Hamilton...he's probably not gonna make it..."


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