• T H I R T Y •

Start from the beginning

"And who trusted the ditz with that job?" I laugh.

Kolton certainly isn't the brightest, but now that I've helped him secretly get contacts and have been tutoring him, I can clearly see that he's not an idiot. He's actually almost smart, he just doesn't put his mind to use. At all. Kinda like Boaz. So, while we all tease him, we all know that he is so much more than his "dumb" exterior.

"Alright, I'm headed home now," I tell him before severing the mental tie and morphing into shadow.

Darkness is everywhere, especially the later it gets. The more darkness, the faster I can travel and I get to my house in next to no time at all.

Once there, I quickly shed my disguise and am Rage once more and Raven is gone. The short, green wig is replaced by my natural black hair. The brown contacts come out to reveal my yellow eyes. I wash the makeup off and my pale skin is left alone and natural.

I suppose it would make sense to wear makeup on our first date, but I don't want to pit in the work and it won't make too much sense for the date I have planned.

Both of us ready, Asher and I head to the place where I told everyone to meet for the first part of our date.

The ice cream shop.

Who doesn't love ice cream? A twenty four hour ice cream shop is the best idea in the world and exactly where we're heading.

Asher opens the door to the shop for me, earning a smile from me as I enter to find Gage, Nekoda, Darkon, William, and Boaz already there.

"Where is Kolton?" I ask curiously as I approach the large table their sitting at.

Darkon shrugs and responds, "I'm not sure, but he was muttering under his breath. Apparently, he wants to make an impression."

"Doesn't he know that he's already made an impression on me?" I laugh before saying, "More importantly, how did Boaz beat... anybody?"

"Two words," Boax says, holding up two fingers.

The motion jars me and sends a jolt of fear through me. Quickly, I toss the emotion behind me.

"Ice. Cream," Boaz finishes. "Oh, and, it's a date with you, Rage."

"Why don't we all sit down and wait until Kolton gets here?" William suggests with a smile, his electric green eyes glittering with excitement.

"Sounds good," Gage agrees with a nod.

Together, we take a seat at what is really a bunch of smaller tables pushed together.

After talking together for a few minutes, Nekoda lets us all know that Kolton is just a minute or so away now.

"About time," Boaz groans. "That ice cream is just calling my name!"

"Oh, leave Kolton alone," William says. "We only have one first date with Rage. I mean, I don't understand what on earth could be taking so long, but whatever."

"He probably ran into his dad," Gage estimates.

"That motherfucking tool," Nekoda mutters, angrily.

I look at him, somewhat surprised by the display of blatant hatred for Kolton's father.

"What?" He says, seeing my stare. "My parents might be distant jerks, but his dad is an involved jerk. In my opinion, that's even worse."

"Pick your poison," Gage snorts, his hazel eyes dark.

"Or maybe I can be your poison!" Kolton exclaims dramatically, flinging open the door to the ice cream shop.

My jaw drops slightly at the sight of him. His golden hair is combed back neatly and he is wearing a blue suit that brings out his bright eyes and causes him to cut an impressive figure.

"While I was a bit disappointed to find that this address was an ice cream shop making me completely overdressed, the work is definitely worth it for that look, Rage," Kolton says with a wink.

I have to fight back blush as I realize I was totally checking him out.

"Well, it's about time!" Boaz grumbles. "I'm getting my ice cream now."

"Overdressed is completely understating it," Asher says with a chuckle as we head for the buckets of ice cream.

"Don't listen to them," I murmur to Kolton. "You look amazing and we can always wait a few minutes for you."

I press a kiss to his lips before my nerves get the better of me. Quickly, I turn to go pick out my ice cream flavors.

We eat our ice cream quickly. As everyone is finishing up, I announce that the second part of our date is now ready.

"So? Where are we headed?" Darkon asks eagerly.

"And does it have anything with that text you just got?" Gage asks with a raised eyebrow.

I stick my tongue out at him and decide to just keep my plan to myself until we are there.

"Well, come on then!" I declare. "Let's get going!"

• • •

Q: What country do you live in and do you call it soccer or football? ⚽
A: I live in America, but I am fixated on knowing this for whatever reason.

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