39 - Family Affairs

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             A delighted smile graced Shachi's red-painted lips as she pulled her husband into a tight embrace; the roundness of her stomach pressing gently against his chiseled abdominal muscles. "I'm glad to have you back so soon." she said, green eyes sparkling as they locked onto his obsidian ones.

Indra's stern features were unusually soft, showing affection reserved only for her. "Listen Shachi, this may sound strange to you but I need you to pack some things for an approximated one day journey until tomorrow morning." he said, combing back strands of jet black hair behind her ear. "We are going to leave for the Shingetsu's kingdom for a while, my love."

Sincere puzzlement washed across Shachi's pretty face, blinking her gem green eyes in mild confusion. "Why?", was all she managed to say.

Indra pulled away from her and turned around, pointing an open palm at the elderly women standing behind him the entire time. "This is Nortia - chief medic of Lord Mantus' kingdom." The ravenette introduced the stranger with kind brown eyes and grayish hair, streaked with remnants of what used to be a midnight blue.

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Lady Shachi." Nortia said, bowing.

"Nice meeting you, too." Confusion and slight mistrust laced Shachi's voice as she nodded her head in return.

"I know it really is kind of confusing but I brought Nortia-san along to keep an eye on you while we're traveling. She's a professional and Mania's teacher, an excellent medic - so you should be fine." Indra explained.

Cringing slightly at hearing her husband saying the woman's name, she thought she would have never had to hear again, Shachi frowned deeply at Indra. "You still don't have told me what this is all about. Why do we have to go there?"

Indra cleared his throat. "You do know how difficult my relationship with Father has been lately, do you not? In all honesty, I can't stand being here. It might be much to ask of you, but you'll see the benefits of moving to their country for a while. I am sure you will like it there, too." He told her as calmly as he could muster.

"And you do know what going there means for me." Shachi said, gem eyes narrowing in growing anger. "I have no desire to be around this woman and her people."

If Indra didn't know how to restrain himself, he would have let out a low, irritated grunt; instead however, the ravenette closed his dark eyes and took a deep breath before continuing to explain his reasons to his wife. "You won't even get to see her; their palace is huge. The chance of meeting Mania isn't all too great."

Nortia strained her ears, secretly eavesdropping on what they talked about in voices only above a whisper. She had caught her protégée's name though; judging by the bewildered look on the female Otsutsuki's pretty face, the elderly woman could safely assume what had transpired between the woman's husband and her purple-haired student. Mania had always been an enchantress, luring men like light lures moths.

"I'm really not sure about this, Indra." Shachi said, worry flooding her features. "I'm sure I will be alright to travel but once we get there the question existing is how long will we stay there? Once I am past the sixth month you can't expect me to travel back home with you."

"Listen, love; it'll be alright to give birth in the Shingetsu's kingdom. If it comes to medicine and healing techniques they are superior to -

"Indra!" a husky female voice called his name all of a sudden. "My dear son-in-law; how good it is to see you!"

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