"But... protect me from what?"

Erwin instantly avoided eye contact as the words left my mouth. "Something... dangerous."

I crossed my arms. "If it's truly that dangerous, then shouldn't I have a right to know what's going on?"

"No!" Erwin growled. "Levi's right. It's best that you don't know!"

I flinched, remembering the words on the paper, and what that damn voice said to me. This is so stupid.

"You're all the fucking same! I can't stand being around people like you--"

All of a sudden, the blonde man's eyes snapped open, before he collapsed onto his knees, a sharp cry of pain piercing through the air.

"Erwin!" I gasped, rushing down to help him. "What's going on?"

I reached for his arm, trying my best to give some support, but he shook me off harshly.

He brought his hand to his head, clutching it fiercely. Growls of pain left him multiple times, and here I was, completely dumbfounded and helpless.

Erwin's knees didn't support him for long, and he finally collapsed on his side, letting out a groan of undoubted pain.

Panicked, I screamed out for help. "ANYONE! PLEASE HELP!!"

I coughed, wheezing for breath desperately. "HELP!!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs. Oh why did we have to meet up in the abandoned park?

"What's going on??!" A voice yelled from a distance. My heart slumped in relief, seeing Annie running quickly to my direction.

I noticed Levi was following her from behind, his face showing nothing but fear and anxiousness, as well as worry for his friend.

"It's Erwin," I rasped out as they reached me. "He suddenly collapsed, and he's in bad pain."

I turned back to loom at him, shuddering on the grassy floor. "I-I don't know what to do!"

Annie was quick to respond, much quicker than Levi. She rushed to his side, examining his face and his quivering body. "We have to get him to the infirmary room. Now."

Annie turned to me, her blue eyes dead serious. "(Y/N), can you go get Mr. Hannes?"

"Mr. Hannes?" I repeated, my heart racing. "Shouldn't I ask help from the first teacher I meet?"

Annie shook her head, desperation beginning to sound clear in her voice. "No! Please, just get Mr. Hannes."

Turning to Levi, she said," Help me get him up."


Levi reached Erwin in long, swift strides, carefully lifting him up. His sharp gaze met mine. "Well go get him already!" He snarled.

My blood boiled in anger, but I held back. Helping Erwin was my top priority, and nothing was going to distract me from it.

I sprinted back towards the school, crashing through the back door. The halls were quiet and lifeless.

I mentally facepalmed. Of course you dummy, it's a weekend! I quickly ran through the halls, completely ignoring the signs that said "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS".

I made my way to the teacher's office, only to crash into someone as I turned in a corner.

"Shit!" The person exclaimed. I looked around me, seeing files scattered on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, trying my best to quickly gather everything as neatly as possible. "I didn't mean to bump into you, I was just in a rush to find-..."

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