CHAPTER 46: Walls

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Clary went from the hot, smokey, and pack Pandemonium Club, to a cool and room with pictures that filled the four walls, even the ceiling and floor. She hugged herself, trying not to panic.

She stepped forward and the wall in front of her opened. She jumped back, suddenly startled. Her father came out, rushing forward, and stopped in front of her. His skin was so pale, like a ghost's. "Clarissa." He reached out his hand, putting it to the side of her face. His hands where cold, colder than they had ever felt before.

Valentine smiled, then. His teeth were white and decaying.

Clary knew what this was. She reached into her bra, and brought down Raphael upon his skull.

He screech, turning to dust.

Then, the wall closed, but a crack was down the middle of it.

The other three walls opened. They were all scenes instead of people.

The first wall, was Valentine lurring a man and his child into was used to be the beautifully constructed Fairchild House. She had only seen its architecture of gold and marble in pictures. Valentine pushed them inside and had two buff men stand guard. In the distance, Clary could see a very pregnant Jocelyn and a young Jonathan, crawling un-mindfully through the grass of a lake.

Clary saw Valentine be handed a tank of gasoline. he opened it, and started to spalsh the house. He light a match, throwing it to the door.

Him and his two buff men walk away as the house blew up.

Clary turned her attention to the next scene: It was a hospital room. There was a woman, who had red hair. Her eyes were taped shut and has all sorts machines hooked up to her. And then Clary realised: It's my mother.

She shuttered and heard someone say: "-Greymark in day three of coma."

Clary stumbled backwards. She didn't want to look anymore. But, her head turned towards the third wall, and she wished she hadn't.

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