CHAPTER 13: Heartbreak and Burdens

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Clary pulled her hair into a bun and pulled her hood up over her eyes. It was three in the morning and she needed to let some steam off. She grabbed her Morgnstern blade and put it through her belt, which also held three seraph blades, Raphael, Michael, and Jerome.

She opened her door carefully, and stepped out, shutting it behind her quietly.

She ran down the stairs, holding onto the railing. She opened the elevator door and started to draw her battle runes on herself. She was going to go fight a demon, pretending it was Simon.


Jace heard the elevator move. He got up and looked out of his door.

It was one of those scenes from those movies where everyone looks outside of the door at the same time when he popped his head out, so did Alec and Isabelle.

"Well, now that I know that's not you two," Alec stepped out of room. "Who was that?"

"It's obviously not Mom. So it's either Simon or Clary." Isabelle said.

All three of them moved together, descending up the stairs. Jace and Alec knocked on Clary's door while Isabelle knocked on Simon's.

Simon stumbled out, disoriented and sleepy.

Jace turnt the knob to Clary's door to see the room empty, her bed made.

"Clary's not here." Jace said.

Simon put on his glasses. "What? It's three in the morning!" He punched the wall and was mummbling something inaudible.

Jace walked over to Simon. "What did you do?" He asked the shorter boy.

"Nothing," He straightened up, and ruffled his own hair. "Let's just stay near the elevator. She won't be out long."

"How do you know?" Isabelle asked.

Alec slapped himself on the face. "They're parabatai, Izzy."

Isabelle gave him an evil glare and stormed down the stairs.

Jace laughed.


Time Change~~

Clary was wiping demon ichor off of Raphael, her smallest seraph blade, when she stepped into the elevator.

It was now four fourty-five in the morning and she was calmer now, after killing five minor demons.

The elevator opened and she stepped out. Someone grabbed her shoulders and she screamed, throwing Raphael blindly.

"Woah," Jace appeared in front of her, hold her blade by the point. "Calm down."

"Calm down?" she laughed. "You just grabbed me from behind! I thought I was being kidnapped."

Jace whinced. "Actually, Alec grabbed you."

Clary was shaking. "Sorry. Sorry I-"

"Are you okay?" Simon asked, now standing next to Jace.

"Yeah." She lied.

"No." Simon said.

"Simon, shut up." She said.

"Nope," he popped the 'p'.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked.

Clary swallowed back bile. She didn't like being put on trial like this. She didn't want to tell them. But at the same time, she did. But, she couldn't make out the words, 'I hate Simon'.

But the words, "To love is to destroy." Came out and she pulled free from Alec, running away.

* * *

"What?" Jace asked in confusion.

"That's what her father used to say to her," Simon was shaking. "Before he beat her. I always heard those words and then whipping sounds and Clary's sobs."

"Is she saying she was beat?" Jace looked angered.


"By who?" Alec asked.

"By me," Simon turned to Jace. "Because you told her what I said!"

Jace paled. "I-"

"She hates me now." Simon ran after Clary.

"By the Angel," Alec said. "He is messed up."

"What do you mean?" Isabelle asked.

"Jace told me what Simon said about Clary. Simon is in love with Clary. Soon enough, he might commit suicide because of he can never be with her. Why would he be her Parabatai, then? How does he just betray her like that?"

Jace shrugged. He want to go calm Clary down, but stayed in place.

They needed their space.

But what if Simon goes after the girl Jace loves?

Jace ran up the stairs.

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