CHAPTER 5: Leaving Home For A New

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Clary slung her backpack over her shoulder, picking Naomi up on her finger. "Naomi, shoulder."

Naomi flew onto Clary's shoulder, claws skratching up her leather jacket.

The two of them exited the room, picking up a duffle bag outside her door filled with gear and weapons.

Clary walked down the stairs to see Jace looking at a old photo graph of her and her brother, Alec pacing back and forth, and Isabelle re-applying her lipstick.

Jace smirked at her and met her at the bottom of the stairs. "This your bird?"

"Yeah. Her names' Naomi. After the Naomi in the bible."

His eyes glistened and he pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Clary felt her cheeks flush. That made him smile from ear-to-ear.

"Come on. Magnus said the portal will close in twenty minutes." Alec motioned towards the door.

"Naomi," Clary said to her bird, "Fly over head."

Naomi flew upwards and when Clary exited the house, Naomi refused to leave. I don't want to leave. Her squeal seemed to say.

Me neither. Clary thought.


Jace watched Clary as she entered through the portal. Naomi followed behind her.

"So, welcome to New York, Ms. Morgenstern." Jace said, taking place besides her.

She shivered at 'Morgenstern'.

They walked up to the Institute, Jace opening the front door for her and the rest of the group, and walked through the maze of pews.

Clary caught her breath. "This is amazing," Jace could here the smile in her voice. "I just want to-"

"Kill demons inside of it?" Jace asked.

Clary rolled her eyes. "Paint it."

"Paint it?" Isabelle asked. "Like a mundane?"

Jace looked back at Clary. It looked like something inside her broke.

"Isabelle, shut up." Alec said, almost speaking Jace's mind.

They reached the elevator, and Jace held open the doors open for everyone. "Naomi, shoulder." Clary told her bird.

Everyone watched as Naomi flew onto Clary's leather jacket.

The elevator lurched upward, and opened almost immediatly.

"Do you want me to show you a room or," Jace let the sentence dangle in the air.

"Um, no thank you." Clary looked down, avoiding hus gaze.

"Okay. Come down when you've found a room and we'll give you a tour."

"Alright good. Great." And with that, he watched Clary walk down the hall.

Isabelle started walking after her.

"Where are you going?" Maryse asked.

"Following her." And she kept walking.

Alec and Jace looked at eachother and shrugged. They followed Isabelle, following Clary.


Clary went half way up the Institue's wide variety of rooms and floors, picking a room that was like all the others.

She opened the door, leaving it open, and dropped her bags. The first thing she did was place Naomi's perch on her side table.

Naomi gladly took her spot.

Clary giggled, petting the bird's head. She moved over to her duffle and pulled out five outfits of black gear, one red gear, her mourning clothes, golden silk dress, a night gown, and her all trusty combat boots.

She hung her things up in her new closet, which already had hangers in it.

Next, she brought out her paint things, languge books, and novels. She found a pull-out weapon holder in her room and placed her serph blades, daggers, and swords inside. Her duffle was now empty.

She placed her backpack on her bed and pulled out a family picture, a box marked with a CAM and her violin case. It was a small violin, made for a child.

She placed the family picture next to Naomi, the box on her dresser next to her novels, and opened the violin case.

She tooke out her violin, stood next to her bed, and started playing Pomp and Circumstance.

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