CHAPTER 12: Changing Minds

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"Clarissa Morgenstern, I haven't even known you for seventy-two hours and I am already in love with you." Jace said.

They had snuck onto the New York docks after they ate at Takai's and stood in a small alley way next to two smooth stone houses.

"Jace Herondale, I think I love you." Clary said.

"Think?" He chuckled. "Do you think we can change that?" His arms looped around her waist, and her whispered. "How about now?" She shrugged. He spun her around to face him. "How about now?" He could tell she was fighting back a smile. She shrugged again.

Then, their lips brushed over eachothers, and Clary found herself practically begging for more as she pressed her lips to his. She felt fire exploding through out her veins and Jace made the kiss more passionate. Clary involintarily sighed, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. Jace stumbled forward, pressing Clary against the left house wall. At this point, they were only pulling apart for air. Jace nibbled at Clary's bottom lip, asking for enterance. Their lips parted and tounges collided. Jace lifted Clary off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist. Clary tangled her fingers in his hair, letting him press her harder against the wall. He started kissing up and down her neck, landing back on her lips and Clary arched off the wall, causing Jace to turn his back to the wall. His hands held onto her lower back and he sank down the wall. Clary was stradling his hips, and soon he was stradling hers.

They were kissing for what seemed like hours when a voice cleared and they broke apart, both looking sheepish and disoriented.

"Nice to see you youngsters enjoying yourselves, but, please take it elsewhere. Your traspassing after dark hours on the dock."

Clary and Jace mummbled 'sorry' and left the alley.

When they were halfway to the Institute, Jace asked, "Do you love me now?"

"I always did." Clary smirked.


Clary and Jace walked slowly up the stairs of the Institute. "You know you don't have to walk me to my room, right? I think I know where it is by now." Clary said.

Jace chuckled, pulling Clary softly to his side. "Thats my Brave Wolf." Jace kissed the top of her head.

They approached her room. "Goodnight, Angel Boy." Clary planted a kiss on Jace's lips and went into her room, closing the door softly. She heard him chuckle and go down the stairs.

She opened the door and went next door, forcefully knocking on Simon's door.

He opened, and she bunched up the front of his shirt. "Troubled? Really, Simon," she spit his name out like posion. "you know me better then that." She enjoyed seeing the high level of terror in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Clary I didn't mean it I was just-"

"Oh bite me!" she whispered. She knew when she whispered when she was angry, it sounded deadly and could terrify people. "When you are ready to act like I'm not a little girl who needs protecting, why don't you come talk to me?" She unbunched his shirt and went back to her room, slamming the door in anger.


"How'd it go, lover boy?" Jace, Alec, and Isabelle were sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"It went well." He smirked.

"What did you do?" Alec asked.

Jace chuckled. "We may or may not have made out in a alley way."

"Holy shit, Jace. How did that happen?" Isabelle asked.

"The way things happen," he shrugged. "They just do." he turned towards Alec. "I didn't give her a rose, or say something whitty when I did, but I complemented her."

Alec shrugged. "You guys had a make out session, I think your good." he winked. "I realised we never gave her that tour. I am going to give her one tomorrow morning, then I want to see what this girl can do. Meet me in the practice room around tenish?"

They agreed to meet in the training room around tenish.


"Clary! Hey, baby sister." Jonathan said.

He hadn't heard from her all day and was getting worried. He was laying on his bed in the London Institute.

"Johnny," Clary croaked. He could hear tears in her voice. He sat up.

"Clary, are you okay?" Did Jace hurt you?

"Simon's an asshole. I hate him. He keeps treating me like a child or a kicked puppy." She took in a shaky breath.

His phone was skratchy from the distance between them, but it didn't matter. "I don't know what to say. You should be handling yourself, Clarissa. You can handle yourself and look after yourself." Just stay away from Jace.

"Simon doesn't know that." She sighed. "Listen Johnny, I'll call you when I wake up. It's almost one in the morning."

"One in the after noon here," he smiled. "I love you, Clary."

"Love you too, Johnny."

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