“She’s dancing alone, I’m ready to go, but she’s so-” He lifted the mic away from his lips so that the crowd could sing the lyrics back to him. And sing they did.


It was about halfway through the set when Alex decided to introduce me. It wasn’t like he’d been ignoring me for the first half, anything but, he’d been glancing over and waving and sending me smiles whenever he got the chance, as had the other three. But he hadn’t actually called me out on stage yet.

“Now you guys don’t know this, but this is a very special show,” Alex said, after the crowd had quietened down. They cheered again after the statement. “And not just because we’re playing to such a beautiful bunch of people-”

“-But because this is the first show where I haven’t had herpes!” Jack shouted. I laughed.

“That’s true!” Alex said, “He has chlamydia.” He smiled. “No, but seriously. This is the first show we’ve played since the introduction of a new member to the All Time Low family, and you guys are the first crowd who get to meet her.”

“I would like to introduce our blow-up sex doll Judith!” Jack shouted, throwing his arms out to the side of the stage like he expected an actual sex doll to walk out.

Alex laughed. He had the mic in his hand and was strolling around the stage confidently, like he was born to do this. It did seem to come naturally to him.

“Haha, alright, lets be serious for a minute,” Alex said, waving his hand to shut the crowd up. “So, a few months ago, I was feeling kinda lonely. Luckily for me, I happened to meet this girl - this amazing girl-” He shut up as a wolf whistle echoed around the hall. “Not like that! Perverts.” He laughed. “Anyway, so she’s really great, so great in fact, that we decided to make her a permanent member of the Gaskarth family.”

Alex strolled over to the side of the stage where I was standing, shaking with nerves.

“You’ll be fine,” Evan said from behind me.

“You okay?” Alex muttered into my ear. I nodded.

“I think so.”


“Ladies and gentlemen,” Alex said into the mic. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him as we walked back out on stage. I felt like a deer in headlights - bright lights blinding me from every direction, a million faces in the crowd staring up at me. Jack loped over to where we stood, and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I felt myself relaxing.

“I would like to introduce you to my adopted daughter, Finley Gaskarth!” Alex shouted into the mic. The venue erupted into eardrum-cracking screams. I winced, but couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you want to say something to the people?” Alex asked me. The crowd screamed again.

I tried not to feel intimidated as Alex passed me the microphone. It felt heavy and my wrists felt weak and I felt worried that I’d drop it. I wondered whether the band noticed the weight of it anymore, or whether they just thought of it in the way that Chandler thought of cigarettes - the thing that had been missing from his hand.

“Um...” I said, jumping a little at the sound of my voice echoing throughout the building. The noise vanished all of the sudden, and you could have heard a pin drop. “Hi,” I said nervously.

Alex smiled at me encouragingly.

“Em...” I hesitated, “I’m not exactly good at making speeches. But, uh, I’m very glad to be here. With all of you.” I glanced up at Alex, and then at Jack, hoping that they would help me out. They didn’t. “And I hope that you don’t hate me.” I pushed the mic back into Alex’s hands, not knowing what to say next. He laughed.

“Everybody, give it up for Finley!” He shouted, and the crowd started roaring. Alex led me back to the side of the stage and kissed my forehead before wandering back on again.

“So nobody give her shit, alright?” Jack said.

Alex laughed. “This next song is Jasey Rae!”

I decided not to go out to the fans after the show, just because they’d probably feel weirded out by my presence, and the band would probably be a lot better at answering any questions if I wasn’t there. Instead, Zack caught up with me on my way back to the tour bus, and asked if I wanted to go out taking some photos with him.

“Grab your camera,” He said, we can go up to the roof.

I was afraid that night’s darkness would settle around us, but to my surprise the city’s streetlights made up for the loss of the sun.

“This is beautiful,” I said softly, sitting down on the ledge of the rooftop. “Really beautiful.”

Zack smiled. “Yeah... So how was your time on stage?”

I laughed. “Ugh, horrible. I’m never doing that again.”

“Really!” I laughed, “From now on,I think I’ll just stay in the pit, and maybe take a few photographs.”

A/N - Hi guys! So first of all, thank you for all your kind words and votes on the last chapter - I wasn't sure how much of you would like it, but it got roughly the same amount of votes and comments as all the others, so I'm guessing you liked it a lot!

This chapter was kind of fun, which I hoped you all liked. The next chapter will have a big reveal though, and from what I can tell everything sort of tumbles from there. So look out!

Two questions for you: first of all, I'm currently writing the last few chapters of Kill Me With Words, so I'm tying up all of my loose ends. Basically I want to know if there's any questions you guys have that you want answers to, things that have happened that haven't been explained, or even something you didn't understand. It would help make sure that I don't miss anything and leave huge plot holes - or if they're just little things I might be able to answer them in the comments and clear it up for you.

Also, a one or two people have given me theories about the story, how you think it's going to end, or how Jacob died, etc. So I was wondering if any more of you had your own ideas? To clarify, I already know how it's going to end, but I'm curious to hear what the readers think. So let me know all of your theories!

Anyway, please vote if you liked, and don't forget to follow me!

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