"That's what Bunny calls us"

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"Idiots?" I stood up. They stared at me. Justin grunted. My jaw fell open when I remember I was wearing my Agent 23 mask so that no one knew this was me.

" That's what Bunny calls us." Chase muttered. I gasped.

"WHO is Bunny?" I asked angrily.

Chase shrugged. "The daughter to Agent 30 and Agent 89. They must be so disappointed in her. She has no potential to become an agent or assassin." And that drove me over the edge. I grabbed my gun that was hidden in my boot. I refuse to be unarmed so I kept it hidden. I pointed the gun and was just about to fire when Justing flew over the table and tackled me to the ground.

The bullet didn't hit that arrogant asshole. It hit one of the windows instead.

"Yep, That is Agent 23." I heard Tom say laughing. I glared at Justin who was laying on me. He just smiled brightly.


"Can you please behave now?" Tom had explain the situation and was now asking me if I will kill them. But in nicer words of coarse.

"Maybe." I said. Tom knew that meant. Probably not cause Justin won't let me.

"Agent 22. Can you make sure no one gets hurt?" Tom asked. Justin aka. Agent 22 nodded.

Tom left and Justin started talking.

" 23, how do you want to handle this?" I stood up and went up to the white board.

"This is the idiots!" I said. Drawing three faces. "And this is Douche." I said. Drawing a dick, James name and pointing to the beautiful drawing. I can really feel the resemblance.

"So these THINGS decided to blow up the Douche's lab. The last time I saw Douche he was in Texas. I tracked him for a while on Korea. But one of my contacts saw him just a few states away." I turned around to see the Idiots looking at me like I'm a goddess. Which I obviously am.

"Me and 22 will go undercover in one of his clubs. You three. Will make sure no one of his upper hands arrives. I have a past with the Douche. And anyone of his close men will recognize me."

"Babe, no offense but you're just an assassin. You get your orders planned out and just go for it. We are Agents. We actually plan ourselves." Chase said matter-of-factly.

I clenched my fists in anger. I don't know what it is. But every time that boy opens his mouth, I get pissed off.

"Listen up, idiot. I know what the hell I'm doing okay? I'm one of the worlds youngest, and best assassins. I could kill you in my sleep. And trust me. I would love to." I gritted my teeth.

I felt Justin staring at me. I glared back. His stare basically said: calm the fuck down before I punch you! And I answers with my don't-fucking-tell-me-what-to-do look.

"I'm sorry Agent 23. My brother can be very impulsive. Jayden and I will help you with whatever you tell us to do." Brent gave me an apologetic smile.

"Yes, but if you don't mind me asking. Who are you and Agent 22 really you both are wearing mask. Will you show us your real faces since we are working together." Jayden looked like I was going to kill them. And I could. But only Chase.

"Maybe. But probably not." I said. Chase glared at me. He really doesn't like me. I guess the feelings mutual.

"Can you please shut up! We have to get back and talk to Bunny." He muttered.

"Chase. Why do you want to talk to Bunny?" I asked.

He grinned. "You would love to know that, wouldn't you?" He said with a cocky smile.

"There is a room only for you in my heart babe! Don't worry. But I need to know when her friend Cece is coming home." I raised an eyebrow. How did he know who Cece is. She's out on a job now. She's also one of the masked assassins. Like me and Justin.

" 24(Cece) is coming home from her mission on Tuesday." And with that I remembered. Tiffany and her friends (They're a bunch of Cece's friends who doesn't like me and viceversa) are putting up banners to welcome Cece back.

I squealed a little "Then I'm leaving." I said happily, and left the room.


Chase's POV

Agent 23 ran out of the room and Agent 22 sighed.

" Idiots, you need to stop irritating her." He said sternly. He was glaring at me. So I glared back.

" She needs to stop acting like a bitch!" I said angrily.

"Chase, shut up! He's right! If you can't keep your comments to yourself then don't say anything at all. It was your idea to mess with James." Brent said in his "Big brother" voice. I sunk down in my seat.

It's something familiar with Agent 23. She reminds me of Bunny. But Agent 23 is sexier. She's angry and aggressive. But those eyes are still the same. Why is that? Bunny can't have a part in this community. There is no way Bunny is a Masked Assassin.

Miss. Nerd has a Gun.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora