X: Operation ZERO

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Captain's log, NAN Antigone PC07-314: Captain Martin Diego Santiago


At 1418 today, we received a shortband transmission over lifi. We triangulated the signal to a small escape pod floating in grid 17 by 118. It had a Terran configuration. We figured that it was probably from one of the destroyers they lost in the battle. Didn't know if there would be anyone still alive, but according to NANHC, they have about two weeks of supply on Terran escape pods. We expected that anyway, but when we fished it out, it wasn't a midshipman from a destroyer; he claimed to be Admiral Nobuyuki Ito of the Terran 6th Task Force and he was here to defect. I've informed NIC, and they're dispatching the New Illinois to pick him up and take him somewhere to figure out what to do with him.

Personally, I'm not sure what to think about him. He might be genuine for all I know; I've not heard much about which Terran admirals stand where. I remember when I lived in Tau Eridani, I heard about Admiral Gottred a lot, but Ito's name never came up. Hans Gottred was something of a political figure on the Halo colony for a while. But I never heard of Ito while I was in the Hegemony. Must mean he's either a newly appointed Admiral or that he was stationed somewhere else, Alpha Ceti or something similar to that.

I've done my best to keep him confidential, but a lot of the crew knows that we picked up a Terran escape pod, and I don't think any of them are going to believe that a man his age is a midshipman. Until NIC tells me otherwise, I've been letting out that he was a political officer aboard the Kitsunai, which was lost in the battle, but I don't know if anyone's buying that story. I don't know. I trust my crew, of course, but in this case, it's best to say as little as possible. They are sailors, after all. I don't want them getting into port in Imladris or Sea of No Return, getting drunk, and blabbing that we picked up a Terran admiral to a prostitute or heaven knows who else. So for now, we're keeping up the myth alive. I do hope the New Illinois gets here soon, though; at the moment only I and my first officer know who he is or claims to be, but especially with the internet, keeping secrets on a ship this small will be damn near impossible. End log.

Novan Intelligence Dispatch: 08/18/2175

NAN Antigone PC07-314-Novan Intelligence Commission: Terran battle survivor intercepted in grid 17 by 118. Claims to be Admiral Nobuyuki Ito, Terran 6th Task Force. Carries appropriate identification. Request further orders. End dispatch.

Official Transcript: Phone Call: From Sona Nibhanupudi: To Alejandra Flores: 08/19/2175

FLORES: Sona, what is it?

NIBHANUPUDI: I've received a dispatch from the New Illinois. She says that the messenger pigeon has arrived to France. I assume this means something to you?

FLORES: Perhaps it does. Thank you, Sona.

NIBHANUPUDI: Of course. Good day.

[End Transcript]

Intelligence Report: Classified "Ghost" Level Clearance: 08/19/2175: Declassified 07/18/2201


The following intelligence report has been classified "Ghost" and higher.

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