YoonMin: Tram Trauma

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Today, the tram station was so much more crowded than usual, and Jimin was having none of it. He was already exhausted from ballet practice as well as his modern dance class that he taught, not to mention his excessive weaving through the crowd to get to the tram. Overall, he was just tried and wanted to get home.

"I'm sorry sir, but your card is invalid," the guard said, pushing Jimin's already pissy mood. He groaned and dropped his head. "I swear to god it worked this morning!" he tried to reason, but the guard wasn't budging. After ten minutes of arguing, Jimin gave up. "I'll just take the bus..." he mumbled as he walked away.

"I'll pay for you, it's no big deal," a deep and rough voice said, hand reaching out to stop Jimin from walking away. The voice belonged to a man with white-blonde hair, black roots starting to peek through the bleach, a black facemask, revealing nothing but the man's hard brown eyes. But as Jimin stared at him, he saw something in those eyes that no one would ever notice; how soft those eyes were as they bore into his.

Jimin caught himself staring and shook his head, flashing the stranger a smile. "No, it's fine. I promise." The man shook his head and handed his card to the guard, who scanned it twice and opened the gate to allow the two access. Jimin reluctantly went in with the man, muttering a shy thank-you.

"So, what's your name, kiddo?" the man asked as they waited on the platform together. Jimin cleared his throat and blushed. "P-Park Jimin," he said, voice muffled by this large red scarf. He pushed his glasses up on his nose, raising an eyebrow as the man's eyes got large. "Wait, the Park Jimin? The amazing ballet dancer and youngest modern dance teacher at Seoul Performing Arts?" he asked, blushing slightly as he figured out how much of a fanboy he sounded.

Jimin blushed hard as he nodded, his blonde hair falling in his face a little. "Yeah... Why?" he asked, moving slightly closer to the man, who just shrugged. "Um, my ex boyfriend's current boyfriend is Kim Taehyung? Your best friend?" Jimin's eyes widened as he nodded. "I'm Min Yoongi. Taehyung drags me to your competitions and shows and stuff."

"Well, nice to meet a fan, Min Yoongi. And thanks for paying for me. I'll pay you back," Jimin said, extending a gloved hand towards Yoongi, who gladly took it. "Awe, your hands are so small," he laughed, squeezing Jimin's hand before letting it go. The smaller boy pouted and stuffed his hand back into his coat pocket. "Hey, it's cute. I wasn't making fun of you," Yoongi said as he nudged Jimin a little bit.

The tram soon arrived and the crowd nearly pushed Jimin into the car, if it wasn't for Yoongi's hand on his shoulder, directing him to a spot across the way. Yoongi sat down, leaving Jimin standing as he looked for a different place to sit.

"Jimin, just sit on my lap," Yoongi said once Jimin couldn't find an open place to sit, nor a safe place to stand. The smaller boy just gave him a weary look. "We just met..." he said, earning an eyeroll. "Jimin, come on. I'll make sure you don't fall, I promise," Yoongi pleaded, patting his lap.

The younger boy huffed and sat down on Yoongi's lap, startling when he felt arms wrap around his torso. Yoongi laughed, "I'm the end of the line, by the way." Jimin smiled into his scarf. "Me too."

"Guess we can be like this for the hour."

And Jimin's heart started to melt at the thought. Sometimes, bad days turn good at the end.

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