YoonMin: It's His Thing

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Min Yoongi had always been misunderstood. Everyone interracted with him claimed that he was cold and cruel, indifferent and out of touch with the world around him. People were scared of shaking his hand, accidentally bumping into him, or simply locking eyes with him. 

All his life, he had been isolated because of his exterior. He was alienated from society, caged into his small apartment and no one for company. Yoongi liked being alone, but he hated being lonely. 

Park Jimin was someone that attracted everyone. He could go from being a sweet ball of fluff, innocent, kind, caring, and smiley, to a sexy bad boy. He could steal hearts and do one of two things to them: he could either cherish them as gentle as he could, or tear them to shreds, leaving the pieces around his feet. 

Everyone loved Jimin, and he loved everyone. He used to be bullied in school, but it quickly stopped when he made mincemeat out of his bullies. He was class president and valedictorian, and even when he got to university, everyone knew who he was and loved him. Now he was out of school and doing well for himself. 

When Yoongi met Jimin, he was surprised that the younger boy didn't cast him away like everyone else did; he wasn't afraid of Yoongi like everyone else was. Sure, he observed that Yoongi kept to himself and wasn't much of a social butterfly, but it didn't stop him from befriending him. 

In fact, Jimin admitted that he liked the quiet that came with Yoongi. He liked that he didn't have to spill his entire life story or listen to the older man spill his. He liked that Yoongi didn't constantly ask him out to clubs to get shitfaced. He liked that Yoongi assumed nothing about him, just like he assumed nothing about Yoongi. 

And in turn, Yoongi liked Jimin. 

Jimin didn't ask Yoongi invasive questions, or why he had no friends. He didn't ask about the scars of emotional abuse that sometimes flickered through Yoongi's eyes if he got too lost in thought. Jimin asked Yoongi simple things: how his day was, if he found something to smile about, and if he ate more than one meal in a day. 

He liked that Jimin caught on quickly; if Yoongi didn't feel like talking, Jimin would stop talking in turn, or he would find something to talk about that required no response. If Yoongi was in a mood, Jimin wouldn't ask about it, but he would find ways to let Yoongi know he was there for him. 

After not even half a year of friendship, Yoongi asked Jimin to move in with him.

Jimin converted Yoongi's minimalistic guest room into a colorful bedroom. He kept the walls white, but paintings and Polaroids littered them. His comforter was a pale shade of blue, giving a cool touch to the space. He had a gaming chair that he used as an office chair, which was white and blue. 

Even throughout the apartment, there was a distinct difference between Yoongi's decoration and Jimin's. All the color on the walls, whether it be in the form of small paintings and pictures, or even the curtains, was all Jimin. Yoongi was thankful for the change; his apartment looked lived in now. 


"Hey, Jimin." 

Jimin hummed from his spot in the floor of the living room, using the coffee table as a desk while he went over some work documents. His glasses rested on his nose, black hair slightly mussed from his hand running through it. He was dressed down in a pair of baggy sweatpants and an oversized shirt. 

"Come lay on me," Yoongi muttered from his spot on the couch. He had switched from laying on his side to his back, one arm dangling off the couch and towards Jimin. "Pretty please?" 

Sometimes, when Yoongi couldn't get his mind to settle down, he would ask Jimin to lay on top of him. The warm weight reminded him that gravity existed and that he wouldn't float away, as he often felt when his mind was being especially annoying. 

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