JinKook: The Dollmaker's Love

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this is a side-story off of Low Price by MoganNyguel  (please go read it - there's spoilers in here)and I just-now uploaded it lol. Thank you for letting me do this, and I hope it lives up to your likings! I love you!!!!!!!!

Jungkook isn't stupid. 

Even though he's a creation - he was only taught to please his master - he still isn't stupid. He had Taehyung teach him how to read - that was before the soldier was put into command - and he would read in his master's library when he's told to go play. Jungkook, only twelve years old, understands more than any Doll his master - the Dollmaker - has ever made. It's simply a privilege of belonging to his creator. 

That means he knows what happened to the Doll, Min Yoongi, only fourteen years old, who was sold to a Park villager, only to die months later. He had seen Park Jimin in his own home - the Capitol - to sign the papers that put Yoongi back into the Dollmaker's - Seokjin is his name - possession. Jungkook was being punished the last time he saw Park Jimin; the last time Park Jimin was ever seen living. 

Jungkook was there when he heard Yoongi calling out repeatedly for Jimin to come save him from the dark. He was there when Yoongi had fallen silent forever; the hand of Death covered his mouth as he spelled out his name. He heard Jimin's screams over his own when he came to rescue Yoongi. Jungkook had witnessed and processed it all. 

Since that day, Jungkook has been thinking. The way that Park boy was so desperate to save Yoongi is always on his mind. The love they shared was beyond what every Doll is taught. It was a love way beyond slave and slaveowner; it was a love beyond Doll and Master; it was a real, pure love. 

It was a love Jungkook wants with his own master. 

The way Seokjin speaks to the other Doll - an eight-year-old-boy named Woozi - angers Jungkook. He knows Seokjin goes against everything Dolls are taught. The way he beats Woozi when he misbehaves or does something their master deems wrong makes Jungkook sick. Woozi's only eight; he deserves to act his age without being punished for it. 

But when Jungkook himself gets punished, it hurts. It hurts because it reminds him how lowly Seokjin thinks of him, his own creation. He's reminded that Seokjin doesn't really love him. No matter how much Jungkook loves his master, he knows the love will never be reciprocated. He will never have the relationship with Seokjin that Yoongi had with Jimin. And that one thought makes his heart ache every second of the day, worse than any punishment thrown at him. 


"Jungkook!" Seokjin snaps, a scowl on his face as the two Dolls fall silent in their spot on the floor. Jungkook's face pales as he slowly stands up and walks over to the Dollmaker. He bows his head; he can't even look at those eyes, not when they're filled with such resentment. He loves him too much to see him like this. 

"I told you to keep him quiet, not rile him up!" Seokjin slaps Jungkook across the face, hard. The Doll bites back his tears and stays silent. He won't apologize this time. How can Seokjin expect a twelve-year-old to look after an eight-year-old? They're both so young.

"Maybe I should let Taehyung have his way with you. Maybe you'll learn then," Seokjin threatens lowly, finally forcing Jungkook to shake his head. "I'm sorry, Master. I'll keep him quiet," he mumbles, voice quiet and submissive. 

A sinister smirk greets those plump lips that Jungkook loves and hates at the same time. "That's what I thought. Be the good boy I know you are." Doll. Jungkook hates that word. "Yes, Master," he says and goes back to the other Doll. "I'm sorry, hyung," Woozi whispers, reaching out to touch Jungkook's cheek once he plops back down by the train-set. He turns his head away. "Don't," he whispers almost inaudibly, but Woozi hears him all the same. 

Woozi pulls back, picking up a small, pink teddy bear. "I'll be good, I promise." Jungkook knows that won't last long; it never does. Woozi just can't help it and Jungkook knows that, but he still can't help but hate the poor boy; he is the main reason Seokjin hates Jungkook. 

And Jungkook hates himself for ever asking to be educated. 


Jungkook straightens his collar before knocking on the large, oak doors to Seokjin's bedroom. He is supposed to lay in bed with him tonight; to act out his wildest fantasies on his small body. But that isn't what Jungkook has in mind. He's given permission to enter the large, lavish bedroom and he takes a deep breath of courage as the door falls shut behind him. 

Seokjin sits on the edge of his bed, hand held out for the young boy. "Come here," he says, but Jungkook stays put. A frown makes its way across his Master's face. "Jungkook," he starts, but the Doll shakes his head. 

"I want to die, Master." 

And he gets a reaction he never expects; Seokjin's face pales and his eyes widen with fear. 

"What?" he whispers, hand falling to the bed. Jungkook tries desperately to bite back his tears, but he's failing. "You heard me. I want to die. I failed my Master. I want to die," he says a little louder, firmness in his voice. 

Seokjin shakes his head and rushes over to grab his Doll's hands. "No," he whispers, brushing a lock of brown hair from Jungkook's eyes. "No, you haven't failed me. Not at all."

The dam breaks and Jungkook slaps his Master away, hot, angry tears rushing down his face. "A Doll is supposed to love his Master and his Master is supposed to love him!" he cries out angrily. "I love you, but you hate me! You hate your own creation!" 

Seokjin can't believe this. His sweet little Jungkook, his obedient little Doll, is screaming at him. "I don't hate y - "

"But you beat me and Woozi for no reason! You torture us and yell at us and, and humiliate us! You look at us like we're the scum of the earth and for what? You made us! Why can't you love us!?" Jungkook screams, his legs giving out and sending him to the carpet. 

"Why can't you love me?"

Something breaks inside of the cold-hearted Dollmaker. This is why he keeps the Dolls uneducated; they're so much happier ignorant and his own Doll is proof of that. Jungkook has found his humanity and wishes to be treated as one, but he also knows that Dolls are slaves in every sense of the word. Dolls are expendable and have expiration dates. Seokjin knows Jungkook won't ever see seventeen, but he could override that. Just for him. 

He sits down on the ground next to Jungkook, pulling him into his lap. "I'm sorry," he whispers into his Doll's pretty brown hair. "I'm the one who failed you. I'm the one who deserves severe punishment." 

And it's true; punishing Jungkook always makes him sick to his stomach. Every slap, hateful glare, angry word he had ever thrown at Jungkook always makes him feel like he should rot in Hell. He has to act cold; his heart is hardened by circumstance anyways. He has to seem capable of driving the villages into the ground so that the Capitol and Old Korea can be reborn. 

Then he created Jungkook; the perfect Doll. He is the only one who can melt Seokjin's cold, cruel heart. 

"I don't want to be a toy anymore," Jungkook whimpers into Seokjin's chest, clutching his expensive silk shirt so tight his knuckles are white. 

And Kim Seokjin starts to cry. 

It's startling to Jungkook to see his Master cry because he never has before. "Kookie... Baby, I love you so much. I'm so sorry I ever did this to you. I don't know how you'll forgive me," the Dollmaker cries out, kissing the Doll's head so tenderly. 

Even though Jungkook knows he shouldn't, he still loves Seokjin and doesn't want to let him go. "I do forgive you. I still love you. Just... Please don't treat me and Woozi so harshly. Love us and we'll love you. We don't want to be afraid to call upon you," he replies and Seokjin nods, pecking the boy's nose. "I promise we'll have the relationship we're supposed to have." 

Jungkook isn't stupid. 

He's wise beyond his years; he's experienced things no child should. And he knows he has successfully melted his vile Master's icy heart and filled it with consideration and tenderness; he's filled it with love. 

... And Other ShipsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt