YoonSeok: Aristocrats

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Min Yoongi had a lot on his plate. 

He had two beautiful children that he raised alone; Chaewon, Kanghyun and Yonghoon. His wife had left him for another man shortly after Chaewon was born; she claimed that she couldn't handle Yoongi's lavish lifestyle, a lifestyle he was born into and maintained with no help from his family whatsoever. 

He admitted that yes, he was rich and from a very rich family, but at the same time, he was self-made. He was the founder of a school for troubled children and made routine checks to make sure no maltreatment or malpractice was going on. It was the most progressive institution of its time and attracted lots of attention. 

Yoongi's accomplishments made him his family's crown jewel. 

Chaewon was Yoongi's little princess, almost quite literally. She went to the finest ettiquite school for girls and, despite barely brushing seven years of age, knew how to get what she wanted. She knew what was good for her and what wasn't; Chaewon was fearless and didn't hesitate to put her older brothers and their friends in their place. 

Kanghyun and Yonghoon were roughly eighteen months apart; Yonghoon was older, causing Kanghyun to follow his footsteps. They were both smart, but preferred to spend their time practicing their guitars and piano, running around in the back gardens of the Min Estate, and being regular ten-year-olds in general. 

Yoongi was proud of his children and his position in life, but at the same time, he felt that he wasn't doing enough both for him and his children. He truly didn't know if they were happy with only having him as a parental figure; their mother wanted nothing to do with them. Hell, Yoongi didn't even know if he was happy raising them on his own. 

They were his world, but sometimes -- just sometimes -- he wished he had someone to share his world with. 


Loud, boisterous laughter erupted from the corner of the bar, where a rag-tag group of young men sat around a table. Empty pints and numerous bottles of beer littered the surfice. Smoke hung thick in the air, sticking to the men's clothes; they hated it, but this place had good beer for cheap, so they weathered it. 

"I told them if they don't have my money by next week they better hope I don't come after them with a gun!" one of them, a short, muscular man by the name of Park Jimin, said loudly. "They've been late on rent for three months! You know how much they owe me!?" 

"Easy, Jiminie. You can just kick them out. Haven't they trashed the place anyways?" A handsome young scholar by the name of Jeon Jungkook asked, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. 

Jimin groaned. "The building's shit anyways, but they made that particular room even worse than it originally was! I don't have enough funding to rennovate the whole building and, judging by the amount of damage these tenants caused that room, it'll take all the funds I do have to fix it!" 

 "Don't stress about it right now, Jimin. Just drink and have a good time!" Hoseok cheered, shoving a beer bottle into Jimin's hand.

Jung Hoseok truly had no business anywhere. He didn't bury his nose in books like Jungkook did, nor was he in charge of an apartment complex like Jimin. To most, he was labeled as unemployed; those who truly knew him understood that he was a hustler. He stole jewelery or something of value and sold it for twice the amount it was originally worth. 

Despite his dazzling smile, sharp physique, and charismatic personality, Hoseok was nothing more than a rat, society's nuisance that they just couldn't get rid of. He came from a poor family of drug abusers and alcoholics (he knew he was a bit of an alcoholic himself), witnessed and experienced things he shouldn't have from a very young age, and just couldn't turn his life around no matter how much he tried. 

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