My Fear - Unicorn Mann

Start from the beginning

"Unicorn it's fine. Watch." Tina said, sneaking around him like a cat sneaks around a corner. Then, with cat like agility, she ran towards the tree and scaled it in just under 10 seconds. Unicorn was not prepared for such a move, and even if he had been, he probably would have been able to stop her. No one could stop Tina when she had her mind set on something she wanted. She grabbed the hola hoop and did a flip off the tree, landing on her feet, still holding the hola hoop with her right hand. Unicorn stumbled back.

"IT HAS TINA! RUN!" He yelled, running for the Daycare. Tina signaled for everyone to stay back, and Tina chased after Unicorn, still holding the hola hoop in her hand. Goldy moves to follow when Ryan grabbed her by her arm.

"Let Tina do this. She is good at it." Ryan told her. Goldy nodded, remembering how just before, Tina had helped her with her own fear, and before that, she had helped Ryan.

"I know. I just worry about him sometimes. I didn't realize he was scared of anything, and hola hoops of all things?!" Goldy laughed at the last part.

"Hey well, I'm sure there is a good reason. We all have fears, and they all have reasons." Ryan told her.

Tina chawed Unicorn into the Daycare. She expected him to go into the basement, but instead he made a break for the stairs that headed upstairs, not downstairs. She followed him up the stairs.

Tina thought he might go to his room, he did not do that either. Instead he continued straight. Tina realized he was heading for the roof. He opened the door, closing it behind him, and ran up the stairs to the roof. Tina felt it was rude for Unicorn to slam the door in her face, but she knew it was because he was scared. She opened the door and followed him up.

She looked around but he was no where in sight. Did he jump off? She wondered. Then she spotted him. He was on the winner's platform. Tina jumped up, following the green trail up to the winners platform. She left the hola hoop on the jump before the large platform.

Unicorn nearly jumped out of his skin as she came up. He relaxed a tad when she had set down the hola hoop, but he remained on guard unless the hoop divided to do anything evil.

"Unicorn?" Tina asked. "What's going on?"

"You've been carrying around the most evil device of all like you don't care! You are either insane and need to go to a mental asylum, or it has taken over you and you need saving." Unicorn Mann said, standing up and striking a hero pose, though it was clear to Tina, the creator of nightmares in young children, that Unicorn was indeed, still scared.

"Unicorn? What is wrong with hola hoops?" Tina asked.

"That are evil!" He responded.

"But how? Why?" Tina asked, prompting him to answer his questions.

"If I tell you will you let me destroy the hola hoop?" Unicorn asked.

"No promises, but maybe, if I can't help you then you can destroy it." Tina told him.

"Alright fine. Sit down and I'll tell you." Unicorn sat down on the floor, and Tina joined him. "When I was a very little Unicorn Mann, my birthday was coming up. I got a present on my birthday. I opened it up and it was a hola hoop. I was very excited because all my friends had hola hoops but I didn't because I was a super hero and couldn't afford to be distracted." Unicorn paused, as if reminiscing in the past.

"Go on." Tina prompted, as it seemed Unicorn was too lost in thought to continue.

"Right." He sighed, coming back to this time and place. "Well, I tried out the hola hoop, when suddenly it snapped around me. Someone had tried to capture me using the hola hoop! Even though I was a little super hero, I was still powerful enough to break free, and so I did and I've tried to keep everyone safe from evil hola hoops ever since."

After he finished, Tina took a moment to think. "Unicorn? I have never seen a hola hoop that has ever done that." Tina told him.

"Well no, but just because you haven't seen one yet doesn't mean they don't exist..." Unicorn told her. Tina sighed, knowing what she had to do. The same thing she had done with Ryan, get rid of the problem. She walked over to the hola hoop, picked it up, and snapped it in half.

"If you feel safer without them, we don't need them, we rarely play with them anyways." Tina told him.

"Really?" Unicorn asked. Tina nodded in response. "Thank you!" He said, hugging her. "The Daycare will surely be safe from now on!"

Tina just laughed and lead Unicorn back down to the others. She would just have the kids hola hoop in the base from now on, far away from Unicorn.

1410? Even better than the last one. So fun fact, when I first went to write this part of this little series of stories, Unicorn was going to be scared of a small song bird. I realized that was too similar to Ryan's so it quickly changed to a ribbon, then a jump rope, and finally the hola hoop that it is today! I know it is a bit ridiculous, but it will make sense in the end, and if it doesn't, I'll just explain it at some point. Anyway, have a great day! Byeeee!!!

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