022: Fracas

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A noisy disturbance or quarrel.

A noisy disturbance or quarrel

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Rin threw Kaito onto the ground of the abandoned classroom, Music Room #4. He loomed over the vampire and glared harshly. "Can you not fucking tell people that I was fucking your brother?! In case you haven't noticed, he's not out of the closet, no one knows about it, and it was supposed to stay a fucking secret!"

"Whore," Kaito muttered before kicking his legs, causing Rin to topple over. "I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from him, hmm? You just use him for sex and leave him like that, huh? You don't give a fuck about him!" Kaito pinned him to the floor and punched his cheek.

"Why are you so god damn stupid!?" Rin shouted back and pushed the dumb vampire off of him. Rin stood up and glared at the male still on the floor. "We've already told you: Niko was the one who came onto me. He was the one who started the whole thing, and he was the one who suggested we end it. We never had any feelings for each other. We're just friends." Rin's eyes glowed red as he glared down at the vampire. Kaito moved to pull him back down, but Rin kicked him in the stomach to stop him. 

"Ah, shit. Finally... I-I found you guys," Niko panted. "Can both of you quit hitting each other? Kaito, that's all true, I promise. You promised you'd make up with Rin... not punch him in the face."

"Ugh, this is stupid. I'm going back to class," Rin groaned and went towards the door. "Niko, I'll always be your friend, but there's no way in hell him and I are ever gonna be friends again." 


Rin sat at his desk and leaned all the way back. He scrolled through his phone while he waited for class to begin. Haruhi, who was normally in the classroom, sat in the seat beside him. "Are you okay, Rin?" She asked after she noticed him zoning off. 

"Yeah," Rin spoke after a second of silence. "I'm just thinking about how I'm going to tell Honey about what Niko and I had. How do you think he's going to react? Do you think he's going to be angry?" 

"No, I doubt he will, Rin," she answered.

"Alright... I think I should tell him soon. He should know, right? I mean, of course, he should. He is my boyfriend after all. He should know if I used to be... intimate with one of my friends."

"He's your boyfriend?" Haruhi repeated. "You two are officially together?" Rin nodded without looking at her. "That's sweet. Did you ask him or did he ask you?" 

"I asked him," Rin answered he began to smile softly. "I asked him to be my boyfriend a little while after he kissed me. I was going to kiss him, but he looked scared and worried. I kissed his cheek instead, so he kissed me." Rin stared down at his desk as he spoke. The smile he previously had never faltered. Haruhi smiled at his expression. 

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