020: Basorexia

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An overwhelming desire to kiss someone.  


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My grin faltered then faded completely. Honey watched me, confused and worried. I pulled my hand away from Honey's cheek and sat up. I stared at the blanket in front of me and took a few breaths to calm myself. He looked adorable. My chest felt tight and weird, but it was a good kind of weird. I've never felt a stronger urge to kiss someone before. I heard Mitskuni sit up and kneel in front of me. "Rin..? What's wrong?" His voice was shaky. I grabbed both of his hands and held them gently. 

"It's nothing, Mitskuni," I whispered. "I just... It's nothing," I repeated. I watched his facial expressions change between worried to confused then back to worry. 

"No, it's something. What is it?" Honey asked. He pulled his hands away and cupped both of my cheeks. "Tell me, Fishie!" I placed my hands on his waist and leaned closer to his lips. We were mere centimeters apart from kissing. I could feel the heat of his face on mine. Mitskuni's hands slid down to my shoulders. He looked panicked. I moved my head a little to the right and placed a chaste kiss the corner of his lips. 

"It's nothing," I whispered again. I pulled away and laid across the blanket. 

"R-Rin!" Mitskuni squealed. "You can't just pretend you're gonna kiss me then not!" He huffed. I saw him pouting from the corner of my eye. 

"I backed out because you looked like you were panicking. I want you to enjoy our first kiss. You can't enjoy it when you're panicking," I explained and shrugged. He didn't say anything for a moment. Without warning, Mitskuni leaned over me and pressed his lips against mine. Of course, I instantly kissed him back and grabbed onto his hips again. When he pulled away, he stayed hovering over me for a second before cuddling into my chest and letting out a small squeak. "Mitskuni-" 

"I did enjoy that... a lot," he whispered. I sighed softly and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Good. I did too," I answered slowly. 


Time passed by quickly. The driver came back and picked us up in the same spot. When we began driving to Honey's address, I put the privacy screen up again. I don't want the goddamn nosey driver to pay attention to us. "I had a lot of fun with you, Fishie. I wanna go on another date with you," Honey spoke softly and happily.

"Good; I'm glad. I'd love to go out with you again, Mitskuni," I answered. I pecked his forehead again. "So, I was wondering... You've told Mori-senpai about us, right?" He nodded. "What does he think about us?" 

"Well, Takashi doesn't really talk a lot, but I can tell he's happy. I can tell he's happy because we like each other," Mitskuni answered. "He listens when I talk about you, and he never tells me to stop. I think he's happy that we're together now, Fishie." 

"I am too," I chuckled. "Mitskuni, will you be -- officially -- my boyfriend?" I whispered. His brown eyes sparkled with excitement, and he nodded vigorously. 

"Yeah!" he almost shouted. I chuckled softly and pulled him into a hug. "Um, can I kiss you again?" Honey whispered. 

"Yeah, of course. You don't have to ask, Love," I whispered back. I pressed my slightly chapped lips against his soft ones. This time, it lasted a little longer. Honey's arms were wrapped around my neck, and I had my arms around his waist. I moved my lips in sync with his. We only pulled apart when the car slowly came to a stop. The driver knocked on the privacy screen. At least he didn't roll the screen down himself... fuckin' twat. "I guess I'll see you at school, huh?" 

"Yeah, I'll see you then. Thanks, Rin," Mitskuni spoke happily. He left the car and skipped back to his house. Cutie


"Thanks for everything today. Please, Kimura-san, don't mention my boyfriend to anyone else?" I asked. I did not beg. "No one but Mal knows yet, and we both agreed that I should be the one who tells them." 

"I gave you my word, Codrin," he stated. "I promise, I won't say anything to anyone." I nodded slowly. Kimura got out of the car and opened my door for me. "Thanks," I muttered. 

"You know... the two of you are quite the pair; you're adorable together," the man smirked. "I've never seen you be so gentle and kind to someone like that before."

"Ugh, Kimura," I groaned and rolled my eyes. I stepped out of the car, and he closed the door. Kimura's other hand held the car keys, basket, and the blanket. The car beeped and the doors locked. "Don't talk about that. Someone's going to hear you." 

"It's good that he's making you more sensitive. Maybe then you'll learn what goddamn compassion is," he chuckled. "Look, kid, I can tell you like him. I just want you to be able to talk about your feelings to someone you trust completely." 

"Yeah, yeah," I scoffed. "Thanks, Dad," I added sarcastically. I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked towards the closest entrance to the house. "Why are you being such a fatherly figure? Jeez, you already won over Kaitlin and my brothers, so leave me alone," I said in a half-joking tone. 

I went to my room and shut the door behind me. I could hear Malik calling me from his room, but I chose to ignore it. If he wants to talk to me, he needs to come over here. I'm not getting up just to listen to his shit. Not even a minute later, I could hear Malik stopping across the hallway to my door. He pushed open the door and glared at me. I sent an identical stare back. "I was calling you." 

"Oh, really?" I gasped sarcastically. "Oh, no!" 

"Shut it, dickhead. So, how did the date with your bum-chum go?" he asked and began to smirk widely. 

"Get the hell out of here, you jackass. Don't call him that or say bum-chum ever again," I scoffed and glared at him even harder. "Anyway, I'm not going to tell you about it," I added. Malik grunted and began walking out the door, but I stopped him. "One more thing," I started. He turned around and waited for me to continue. "Could you not tell Honey that when humans and vampires date, the human is supposed to let the vampire drink their blood? Not everyone is like that, and it's just a stereotype." 

"Oh, come on," Malik laughed. "You're saying you're not gonna at least try to convince him to give you his blood?" 

"Fuck off, Malik," I growled and turned away from him. 

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Kochiro Marito as Asashi Kimura
Age: 40

Kochiro Marito as Asashi KimuraAge: 40

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