001: Tabula Rasa

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Tabula Rasa:

A clean slate; a new start.


To clarify, they're starting the school year a few weeks in

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To clarify, they're starting the school year a few weeks in.

"Codrin! Hurry up," my brother shouted from the other side of the door.

"Shut up. We're not late," I replied and opened the door. He only rolled his eyes and shuffled towards the stairs. I followed behind him and loosened the tie around my neck. The house was mostly silent. The only things I could hear were the footsteps of the staff downstairs and the hum of the air conditioner. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, the head of the house staff, Hitomi greeted us. The older woman with smile wrinkles and a big sweater on handed us two bottles of synthetic blood.

"Thanks, ma'am," Malik mumbled. I nodded back and kept walking to the front door. The driver was already in the driveway with the car running. Once we stepped outside, the man opened the door for us and closed it once we were inside.

"Don't get into any fights, Malik. I'm not gonna move schools again," I said in a flat tone. I peeled the plastic seal off the bottle and popped the cap off.

"I can't promise anything, Fish," he chuckled. Malik took a few big gulps from the bottle in his hand.

"Ugh, don't call me that," I grunted and chugged half the bottle. We didn't talk for the rest of the short ride there. By the time we got there, I had finished all the contents in the bottle. I left the bottle on the floor of the car. I've learned that humans don't like it when you drink fake human blood in front of them. I stepped out of the car and looked around. A few students hung around outside, but most of them were inside.

"I'll see you at lunch then?" Malik asked. I grunted in response and shoved my hands into my pocket. My bookbag hung off my shoulder, and I walked towards the door with my brother beside him. I looked at the sheet of paper with all my information and found my locker. I was hoping it would be beside my brother's, but it wasn't. 

"He's new, isn't he?"

"I think so. He's kind of cute."

"His eyes are so blue... He's really pale. Do you think he's one of them..?"

A few girls were talking about me. Because of what I am, I had great hearing. Being able to hear everything that was said from across the room got annoying at times (especially around hormonal teenagers). I continued listening, but I made sure to give off no physical signs that I was listening. 

"If he is, do you think he could hear us?"

"Well, duh. Those blood-sucking freaks can hear everything."

A male voice joined in on the conversation. I kept standing at my locker and putting all the books that I wouldn't need until after lunch in there.

"Hiro-kun, I don't think you should be saying that. In case he is one, he'll be able to hear you."

"Eh... I don't really care. Hey, new guy, can you hear us? Are you a vampire?"

I sighed and finally turned towards the group of students. I nodded shortly and smirked at their reactions. Their faces paled, and their eyes widened slightly. I shut my locker and adjusted the strap of my bookbag.

"I'm so sorry! Hiro-kun didn't mean any of that! Please don't be angry," the two girls begged after appearing behind me.

"Whatever," I grunted and turned away. I didn't want to listen to their begging, so I mostly ignored them even though I needed help finding my classroom. I continued walking a little further down the hall then randomly chose a student to ask for directions. "Hey," I stated and walked towards a shorter boy with brown hair. "I'm new. Can you tell me where my classroom is?" I quickly glanced down at what I had scribbled on my palm earlier. "Classroom 1-A?"

"Yeah, I can. That's my class too, so I'm heading there right now," he answered and motioned for me to follow him. "What's your name? I'm Fujioka Haruhi."

"Codrin Pescariu," I answered quickly. When we reached the classroom labeled 1-A, I held the door open for him and said, "Thanks for your help, Fujioka," I said politely.  He nodded and smiled in response, so I walked towards the teacher who was sitting at his desk in the front. "Um, are you Mr. Adachi?"

"Yup," he paused and glanced at his computer screen one last time. "You must be Pescariu, my new student?"

"Yeah, that's me," I nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Pescariu. Let's get you settled in then," the teacher responds and pulled up a seating chart on his monitor screen. He was silent again for a few more seconds before telling me which seat to sit in. "Why don't you sit in row four? The first seat on the left?" I hummed back and went to sit without saying another word. 

The other students began pouring in not even a full ten minutes later. The teacher motioned for me to get up from my newly assigned seat to come to the front of the classroom. "Students," Mr. Adachi said after the second bell rang. "We have a new student. I'll let him introduce himself." He plopped back down into his seat. The students whispered to amongst themselves. 

"His eyes are so blue!"

"Is he human?"

"I wonder if he's nice."

"Do you think he's single?"

"My name is Codrin Pescariu, but people call me Rin. I'm half Romanian and half Japanese, and I moved here just a few days ago," I explained. I paused and shrugged. "That's pretty much all you need to know about me."

"Alright... then, let's begin on our first topic," Mr. Adachi began.


"Hey, Fish," Malik patted my shoulder and lead me towards a table. "I want you to come and meet some people. This is Kaito and Niko. They're like us," my brother explained. "Guys, this is Fish."

"That's not my name," I replied. I sent a quick glare at my brother before explaining to the two guys in front of me. "I'm Codrin, but you can call me Rin."

"Yeah, Malik has told us about you. Why the name Fish?" Niko asked. His deep red eyes stayed on mine the whole time, but I barely made eye contact. 

"I have the word Cod in my name. It's something one of my other older brothers started," I scoffed and shook my head. "It's stupid." I never liked the name, but that only gave my brothers more of a reason to call me that. 

"It's not stupid, Fish," Malik scoffed. "It's your nickname, and you're gonna have to get used to it eventually because it's here to stay."

"You suck," I mumbled and rolled my eyes. I couldn't think of any other sort of comeback. The other two others laughed and drank from the Pure Blood bottles.

"You're not gonna eat?" Kaito asked and motioned to me. I shook my head and glanced away.

"He doesn't like to eat in front of them. Humans, I mean," Malik explained since I clearly wasn't going to.  I shrugged. What he said was right, and I didn't feel like elaborating, so I didn't. It's none of their business anyway. 

WC 1215

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