"Now let's do some spot jogging", and then he got his hands to his chest, clenched them shut, and began jogging on his spot. I did the same and within two minutes flat, I was exhausted.

"Enough for the day", I bend down till my knees to catch my breath.

"This is just the beggining c'mon", he kept jogging continuously and he didn't look tired. Get your act straight Taarika.

"One two three four five six seven eight", he counted out loud. Sweat was trickling down my face and I wiped it away with my palm.

After about 10 minutes of jogging on the spot, Niall stopped and took in deep breaths.

"Ha! Now who's tired?", I took in air like a fish who was let out of water.

"Let's start with the running", Niall declared and I mentally face palmed myself.

"We'll run till that tree there okay?", he pointed out to a small tree at quite a distance away.

"Mmmhhmm", I got ready and stood parallel to him.

"One... two...three go", Niall got off to a good start and ran straight ahead with me running quite a distance behind him. Nevertheless he got to the tree first.

I sat down Indian style completely exhausted. Niall stared at me, mumbling something under his breath. Well what do you expect from someone who hasn't run like that in forever?

"Get your act together Hayden", he scoffed. Niall wiped the sweat off of his face and got into position.

"C'mon let's go." Again?

I stood parallel to him and focused at our destination. You can do this Taarika, you have to beat Niall.

We began the race again and this time I was way ahead of Niall. Who needs to get their act together now eh? I finished first and fell flat on the sand facing the sky. I was panting for breath. Whatever it was, I was feeling a bit better, it had been quite a while since I felt so much energy in me.

"Who's an arse now?", I spoke up when Niall lay down next to me. He didn't say anything and we both stared up into the sky huffing for air. Since he didn't say anything I was finally glad that this 'exercise' session was over.

"One last round and we'll see who wins", and with that Niall got back up again.

"Just let it go Ni, its not a competition", I mumbled as I covered my eyes from the blaring sun.

"Chickened out?", I knew he was smirking, I could hear it in his voice.

"In your bleady dreams", I got up and got into position. Last one and then I could sleep peacefully.

"One...two...three", we both started of equally but five seconds later I was in the lead. I looked behind once and I saw Niall slowing down and ultimately coming to a halt. Something was wrong.

I came to a stop and I turned and ran backwards to where Niall had stopped holding on to his knee. Just as I bent down to check what had happened, Niall sped off.

"Oldest trick in the book Hayden", he yelled. It took me a minute to realize what had happened. He actually fooled me.

Before I knew it my legs dragged me towards Niall. How do I always get fooled by him?

Before reaching our end point I bend down midway and held onto his ankle from behind which made him fall. Ha!

As I tried reaching the finish point first, he put both his hands across my waist and yanked me behind to which I caught on to his hand, which made him jerk.

The finish line was two steps away but we were trying our level best not to let either's foot reach first.

"Let..me...", I put my foot forward and Niall pushed it back with his foot. I pushed the part between the back of his knee and his thigh which made him stumble. As I was about to put my leg forward and claim victory, Niall yanked my leg and I fell right on top of him. My back hit his chest and Niall wrapped his arms around me.

"Let me go", I tried getting away from his grip.

"You are not gonna win" Niall spoke brearthless after our physical fight.

He then pinned me down, caught hold of both my hands in one of his hand and stretched his leg forward and surely it touched the finish line.

"I wooonnn", he stood up and did the victory dance leaving me flat on the sand.

"You are a cheater and you know it", I grabbed a fistful of sand in my palm and threw it on him. Why do I let him win every time?

"Ughh", I yelled and stretched my legs. I was out of breath and my heart was beating a 1000 times per minute.

Niall then sat down next to me and pulled me over him. Both our chests were moving in synch, taking in as much as air possible. Niall's hair was flat on his forehead due to him sweating.

"Why do you always cheat?", I slapped his stomach and he blew out hot hair.

"No game is fun without cheating", he spoke, still panting in air like a dog.

"You did not win. We will continue this..."

"Later please. Now just shut up and hear my beautiful little heart beat", Niall sshhsshhed me and I placed my ear on his chest. My head went up and down as Niall breathed in and out. I could hear soft beats come from whitin. Niall kept stroking my hair and I shut my eyes and listened to the most beautiful sound of his heart beating.

After both our breathing came back to normal, I looked up and saw his eyes shut.

"You do have a heart", I whispered and kissed his neck.

"So I win and get this? Looks like its my lucky day", Niall rose up and let our lips touch.

"Shut up and lay down for a while", I pushed him back down to which he giggled. I got off of him and lay down to his right. Niall put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

With sweat oozing out from the both of us ( I know it wasn't a pleasant smell ) I knew from within that Niall cared for me. Jokes aside, he did have a heart and my heart had opened up for him.


( Meanwhile back home )

"You need to get your fucking act together", Harry screamed at the manager of White Star Airline. Liam firmly placed his hand on Harry's shoulder trying to warn him of the language he was using.

The four lads including Niall's family were sitting in a room with five of White Star Airline's officials.

"It has been a whole week and you have still not located the plane", Liam joined in.

Louis was quite other than the soft sniffs he let out occasionally.

Maura was under Greg's comfort as she cried looking at Niall's picture that she held dearly in her hands.

Surely it had been a week since the plane crashed and White Star Airline had no clue about Taarika and Niall's plane.


I know it's been ages and I just updated a filler chapter BUT I PROMISE TO UPDATE AGAIN THIS WEEK!

As you'll have read I have included a THIRD PERSON'S P.O.V. Any thoughts about it? I'm trying something new but I would love your feedback : ditch it? Continue it? Plus I want to know whether you'll would like more of Niall's P.O.V's or just Taarika's?


This chapter is dedicated to @FanFictionsLibrary !

Thankyou for all your support!

I am currently sitting with 6,331 reads, a BIG thankyou to all who have contributed!

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