At dinner, my dad said to the boy, "I hope you like my cooking." The boy only stared at the kimchi fried rice on his plate without saying anything. My dad asked, "You don't like it? Do you want something else? Like... Ramyeon?" The boy looked at my dad and me in silence for a minute, then he slowly started eating. My dad smiled and asked, "How is it? Delicious, isn't it?" The boy nodded and my dad smiled.

I asked, "Appa, may I go with Soobin to watch a movie after school tomorrow?" "Come home right away after watching the movie. Don't hang out until late. You are only 14," said my dad. "Ok," I replied with a nod.

After the dinner, my dad bathed the boy and I washed the dishes, then I returned to my bedroom.

When I was doing my homework, my dad came into my bedroom with the boy. The boy only wore a towel and his hair was still wet. "Yuri, lend him your t-shirt and sweatpants," said my dad. I took out a t-shirt and a sweatpants from my closet then placed it on my bed. 

When the boy took off his towel, I could see the bruises on his chest, his back, his waist, and his both thighs. My dad helped him wear the clothes. 

My dad dried the boy's hair using the towel while saying, "You can sleep here with Yuri." The boy looked at me in silence. I smiled friendly at the boy. The boy climbed into my bed then laid his head on my pillow then my dad covered his body with my blanket. My dad left my bedroom and I continued doing my homework.

1 hour later.

I went to the living room and lay on the sofa bed next to my dad. My dad who was still awake, asked me, "What are you doing here?" I asked back, "Appa, may I sleep here with you?" My dad replied, "No, you won't be able to sleep because appa always snores when sleeping. Besides, this sofa bed is too small for both of us. You should go back to your room." 

"I don't want to sleep with stranger," I said. My dad stroked my head and said, "You saw his bruises, didn't you? We can't leave him to sleep on the street like that. Please bear it for just tonight. Tomorrow appa will take him to the police station." I nodded, then I returned to my bedroom and slept next to the boy without using my pillow. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Let's eat ice cream," Soobin said when we walked out from the cinema after the movie ended. "I'm sorry, Soobin-ah. I must go home right away. Let's eat ice cream on Sunday," I said. "Okay," Soobin replied with a smile. I took a bus to go home meanwhile Soobin took a taxi.

My dad was watching TV in the living room when I arrived home. My dad asked with a smile, "How was the movie? Was it good?" I nodded with a wide smile. "Yuri-ah, come here. There is something appa wants to talk to you," said my dad. I sat on the sofa next to my dad.

Suddenly I saw the boy come out from the kitchen and enter my bedroom. I asked in surprise, "Appa, why is he still here??" "Appa took him to the police station this morning and Appa accidentally met a woman who knew his family well. That woman told appa everything about him," said my dad, then my dad told me what had happened to the boy's parents and the bad treatments of the boy's uncle's family.

I asked, "So, is he going to stay with us?" My dad nodded. I said while pouting, "But..." My dad looked at me and said, "Yuri-ah, appa wants you to share your bed with him for temporary only, until appa has money to buy him a bed, okay?" I nodded resignedly. My dad smiled and petted my head, he said, "Eomma must be proud of you if she knows you have a kind heart."

I left the living room and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I came into my bedroom, the boy was sitting on my bed, looking out the window. 

"I wanna get dressed," I said. Seeing me wearing only a towel, the boy pulled my blanket to cover his entire body. "Tch! I thought he would leave my room," I grumbled in my heart while walking towards my closet. I said, "Don't you dare to peek!" I could see the boy nodding from behind the blanket.

I left my bedroom and had dinner in the kitchen alone. When I returned to my bedroom, the boy had fallen asleep.

Suddenly my cellphone rang. I grabbed my cellphone then lay down on my bed next to the boy. "O, Soobin-ah. What's up?... I arrived home 1 hour ago... I am lying on my bed now, what about you?... Nope, he is still here and he uses my pillow again, my neck still feels a little sore because last night I didn't sleep using pillow... Okay, see you tomorrow at school," I said on the phone then I hung up. I closed my eyes and fell to sleep immediately because of tired.

The next day when I opened my eyes in the morning, I found myself sleeping with my pillow and my blanket while the boy slept next to me without pillow and blanket.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3 days later.

"Yuri-ah, appa has to work today. Please take Sehun out and buy him some clothes and underwear," my dad said while giving me some money. I asked confusedly, "Sehun?" My dad said, "His name is Oh Sehun. Didn't appa tell you before?" I shook my head. "Please take good care of Sehun, okay? Appa is late for work now, see you later," said my dad, then he left in hurry.

I went to my bedroom and I saw Sehun sitting on my bed while looking out the window. Suddenly my cellphone rang. I picked up the call right away because it was from my dad. "Hello... Yes, Sehun is awake now... What?? Bathe him?? But he is not a baby anymore... Okay... I got it," I said on the phone, then I hung up.

I said to Sehun, "Come on, let's take a bath." Sehun followed me to the bathroom. "Take off your clothes," I said. Sehun sighed in pain as he tried to take off his clothes. I sighed then said, "Okay, let me help you." I took off all Sehun's clothes carefully.

Sehun tried to bear his pain when I rubbed his body with soap. "Sorry," I said, then I tried to rub his body softer. When I saw Sehun's little bird, I pointed to his little bird and said, "I don't wanna touch it. Do it yourself." Sehun only stared at me without doing anything or saying anything. "Okay, let's just skip that part," I said.

I turned on the shower and rinsed the soap bubbles from Sehun's entire body. I dried Sehun's body gently with towel, then I helped him wear clothes carefully. "Now, let's buy some clothes for you," I said.

I took Sehun to the small store where I usually bought new clothes. I only bought Sehun 2 pairs of clothes and 3 underwear because I also wanted to use the money to eat 3 new flavors of Yehet ice cream. I took Sehun home, then I left again to meet Soobin.

3 hours later.

Soobin gave me a ride because it was raining heavily. Soobin's driver stopped the car in front of the alley of my house. "Take my umbrella with you," said Soobin. "No need, I will take a shower as soon as I reach home. Thanks for giving me a ride, Soobin-ah. See you tomorrow at school," I said. I got off Soobin's car, then I ran to my home as fast as I could. I jolted when the lightning struck along with thunder.

I came inside my house with drenched clothes. I shouted out loud from the main door, "Sehun-ah! Please bring me my towel!!" I got no response. "Sehun-ah!!" I shouted, calling his name, but I got no response again. I walked straight to the bathroom while mumbling, "Is he sleeping already?" 

After showering, I went to my bedroom to get dressed. When I saw Sehun not in my bedroom, I locked the door, then I took off my towel and threw it to my bed. I stood in front of the mirror and stared into my reflection then mumbled, "I wish I have a nice body like Soobin." I sighed.

When I opened my closet to take underwear and clothes, I was surprised to see Sehun hiding inside my closet, under hanging clothes. Sehun was sitting with his knees bending upward. He buried his face in his knees with his both hands covering his ears.

I asked Sehun, "What are you doing there?" Sehun lifted up his face to see me. When I realised I was naked, I screamed out loud, "Aaaaa!" 

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