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She exhales watching the cold air form little smoke clouds in the air.

Dance class was next and she was going to do the same thing she does every time.

She was going to sit and watch cat and dog videos for the whole two hours of pointless jumpy movements and unemotional choreography.

That is what she planned to do anyways that is before little annoying sparky park jimin moved to her school.

He always had her up and prying her to dance or move, she just left if he did that.

But today is going to be different, today she gets to see him dance for the very first time. Not that she wants to anyways.

"Alright students, it's exam season meaning all your choreography will have to be tip top! Jimin here is going to show you what standard I'm looking for." The teacher exclaims clapping her hands and sliding away from the space on the floor where jimin prances into.

"Awh jimins such a good dancer! I can't wait to see him dance" a girl near jess excitedly giggles.

jess rolls her eyes, she has resentment for dance or anytime of 'fun' movement or social interaction.

She watches carefully as the music begins to fill the room and all that she focuses on now is the boy she feels so much annoyance towards.

She gazes in awe as he moves fluently telling an emotional story through movement, fast and smooth changes with levels of height in the dance, she's bamboozled at how flexible he is, how his toes point and spine bends in a way that not even she thought was possible.

Then just like that the music ends slowly with him finishing with his original position, as if he never moved at all.

Her mouth hangs low being completely mesmerised by his poetic and romantic choreography.

Jimin just smiles with his adorable cheeks illuminating in pink his crescent eyes making present on his face, giggling while the rest of the class compliment him and his beautiful passionate dance.

Jess fills with agony as she only wishes she wasn't afraid or guilty, she abruptly gets up Leaving and rushing out of the dance practice room.

Jimin only watches her rushing out of the room, in pity. He saw the pain and disappointment in her face.

All he wanted was to make her smile.

Jess rushes into the bathroom and locks herself in one of the cubicles, hyperventilating and shaking tears leap from her eyes.

Although she's in the dance class in an arts school, this isn't where she wants to be, it's where she used to want to have.

Her parents only hoped that going to this school would help her get over fear, make real friends and maybe possibly meet someone. But Jess has little faith in her parents and sister, about their hope for her.

Jess has already given up and she knows it, after seeing dancer after dance give out their all in front of people doing so well it only makes her feel pressured and horrible about what happened in her past.

Jess is now buried in a mountain of tissues sniffling and breaking into a complete mess only stopping when she hears a faint knock on her cubicle door.

"Jessica..?" A warm and inviting voice calls out formally.

Jess only snuggles in reply trying to hide her shameful tears with the tissues.

"'s me ms Danner...again.." Her teacher is always the one to collect Jess from the bathroom.

Only her teacher knows about jess's past since she was there, ms Danner has always supported Jess even at her lowest points which is also why her parents persuaded her too go to the school.

"Look, I know I shouldn't say this, but I've seen a better dancer than Jimin..okay?" She slides down the cubicle door and slides under a whole chocolate bar under the cubicle door.

"Do you know who that dancer is Jess?" She asks politely and cautiously.

Jess only hums in confusion while stuffing her face with the chocolate bar.

"This dancer, she had the most perfect framing and fluency...her body was able to bend and pop into anything she thought of, not just what was taught...she had the imagination and confidence to make up anything she wanted to do and rock it." Her teacher warmly replies.

"That dancer was you Jessica." Her teacher reveals, Jess fills up with A little more confidence and happiness at her teachers warm words.

"Come on out jess, I'm sure Jimin wants to see what you thought about his dance," she giggles.

"Besides, I think he likes you!~" Her teacher teases while Jess slowly walks out of the cubicle sighing.

Ms Danner just smiles cheekily and does a little weird wiggle to cheer Jess up.

Jess only lets out a small giggle before checking herself in the mirror making sure she doesn't look like some sort of ghost.

Following the teacher jess drags her feet noticing the time of the schools clock on the passing hallway, 'nearly time to leave anyway...' Jess heaves.

Ms Danner smiles brightly entering, "Okay everyone! Time to skidaddle skidoodle! And I hope to see you tomorrow!" She waves while everyone rushes out of the classroom.

Jess walls over to where she left her bag not finding it anywhere until her little search is disrupted by a light cough, "I got your bag for you.." a small mutter comes from the boys plump lips shamed into a smile.

Jess shyly smiles and grabbing the bag from him, "thanks Jimin.." she replies before walking out of the class room with Jimin following close behind.

"Hey Um, jessica..was it?" He shyly ask's. Jess only slows down her walking and nods.

"What your you say if I asked you to be my friend?" Jimin perks up pushing the question into the battle field.

Jess only sighs, "I'll think about it...I don't really need anymore friends.." she admits.

" don't have any friends..?" Jimin puzzlingly ask's.

Jess smirks sadly,  "exactly, bye bye Jimin!" She waves leaving the boy standing lonely confused and surprised at her answer.


This is a new book and an AU, although this isn't a x reader I do hope you love the characters in this book as much as you do in my others! 

Vote and comment and I hope to see you all in the next chapter!

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