They finally came loose and her eyes widened as she was sucked out and she grabbed at the cave floor to stop herself from falling into the lake below. She failed to grab hold of the floor and fell to the lake below as she screamed in surprise. She held her breath as she hit the water and felt pain rack her body making her scream under the water.

Someone saw her fall and winced as she hit the lake, and knew it would hurt her. He grumbled to himself and dove into the flooded waters then swam towards her as he glanced around. He dove under when he reached her and grabbed the young woman then pulled her out. He coughed and swam over to the shore before find a place to set her down.

The flooding had stopped and he was grateful for that as he carried her into a field that didn't go under the water. He set her down and started CPR but stopped as he realized how broken she was inside. She fell to high.

"Aw kid..." Wheeljack whispered having seen her with the other man at one time before they went up the cliff. Miko coughed up the water on her own and looked at him weakly then tried to move but couldn't because of the pain. She stared at him with fear and he shook his head as he glanced around.

"I... I'm... not... going... to... make it...." she gasped and sobbed as the pain became too much for her.

He knew she was right and making her die slowly would be horrible for her to endure. He wouldn't be able to take it either. He had let the doctor die a painful death, he didn't want this young girl to as well. He glanced around but didn't have anything for a mercy kill.

"Please... I... it hurts... please... help me..." she gasped in pain as tears fell down her face and blood leaked from her mouth. She choked a little and he could tell she was afraid. He nodded slowly and carefully sat her up then hugged her close to him.

She gasped in pain again as he moved her and he sat there as he held her close. He set her head against his heart and stared blankly as he held her face against him. She struggled weakly and gripped his arms are he continued to stare blankly and tears fell down his face. He held her closer as he suffocated her in his hug.

She didn't fight long and he felt her grip on him loosen until she stopped moving and went slack. He didn't let go even as the cannon sounded and he felt guilt grip at his heart. He didn't want her to suffer and didn't know what else to do for her. He stayed there for a few minutes then looked up as someone walked over and stopped a few feet away.

Wheeljack wasn't in the mood to try and fight the silent man, not after he murdered a child, even if it was out of mercy. He glared at the man as he drew back his bow and aimed straight at Wheeljacks heart. The silent man quickly let go and watched him fall over then walked over and shot him a few more times as the cannon sounded. Just to make sure.

Soundwave glanced to the sky as he listened for the last tribute and closed his eyes as he remembered where her screams came from. He glanced in that direction and walked off to find the last one. He'd win and be able to leave this nightmare.

He glanced around and looked at where the land slide was before climbing towards the top of the hill. He followed the tracks and prepared his arrow, but had his knife on hand just in case. He'd finish this soon enough.

Prowl slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the logs and leaves above him as he tried to remember what happened. He grunted and attempted to move only to hiss in pain and the land slide came back into his mind. He listened for a moment then tried to move the logs. He grunted in pain as he realized that wasn't going to work. He glanced down and saw he had been impaled by a tree or two. He stared at the sky and then at the bright sun as he felt himself fading.

He heard Arcee scream in anger and pain, she sounded distant but he didn't know if that was because of his pain or because she actually was far away. His vision blurred as the sun blinded him and he heard her scream again before it was cut short. A cannon sounded and he knew she was gone. There was a bright light that filled the arena and he closed his eyes for a final time.


Tick tock... tick tock.

Where was he? What was ticking?

Tick.... tock.... tick...

It stopped. What was this? Why-

He felt himself moving upwards and he opened his eyes to see more light slowly getting brighter. He blinked a couple times as he was surrounded by the light. He was disoriented as his ears rang and he saw he was on a pedestal, surrounded by green grass.


He looked around and saw all the tributes were back in the game and waiting to start. The boy Arcee killed, the child with glasses, the young woman, Arcee herself and everyone else that had died. They were back and alive. His eyes widened in surprise and he looked at the sky again as the horn sounded. He just stood there in shock as everyone ran and fought each other.

What was going on?

The Energon Games (Transformers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz