Vol 4 Chapter 28 When Reality is Better than a Dream

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    For Hayate, the trip to Sunagakure, Village hidden in the sands, had proven to be uneventful, so much so that it felt suspicious. Now everything had stalled out as he waited for the fourth Kazekage to have a moment for him. So far Temari the Kazekage's daughter had been helpful but only in introducing him to the various parts of the village. When he had finally met with the Kazekage something seemed off about him. Rasa had seemed distracted, more so than usual.

     Over his time in the village, he had learned about the rampages of Rasa's son Gaara. There seemed to be a good reason behind this, Gaara was powerful. He had managed to watch one of his secret training sessions with his siblings and Hayate noticed how close Gaara came to killing his brother and sister several times during the match. It was as if there was something in him struggling to break free and go berserk. He seemed like a secret weapon much in the same way that nine tails had been and probably still was wherever the Hokage had hidden it, or in whomever, Ninetails had been hidden. For a moment he wondered if Gaara had a tailed beast in him, but if he did he showed no sign of it other than his amazingly high chakra levels.

     He had actually caught Gaara looking in his hiding place several times, some more subtly than others. There was no way he had been spotted and given how Gaara's eyes darted and searched for something he was sure he hadn't been but something still tingled in the back of his spine. It was suspicious but he could find no connection between it and the recent activity he was sent to investigate.

     Hayate had almost given up finding anything until one night he watched as the Kazekage left the village with just two of his guards.

     Hayate had almost given up finding anything until one night he watched as the Kazekage left the village with just two of his guards

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     When Orochimaru had promised Rasa the supplies his village had desperately needed he had been instantly dubious. Sunagakure wasn't the richest or largest among the major ninja villages and had always struggled. Despite having a number of strong mineral deposits they had never been able to get enough trade to make use of it.

     Karura had always told them they were fine with what they had, but it hadn't been enough when she passed away with the birth of their son Gaara. It still hurt that he had been unable to provide the materials to save her. That was his job as Kazekage. He was there to continually make the village stronger and safer for those who lived in it. What kind of success could he claim when his own wife passed away from their lack of supplies?

     All he had to do was work with Orochimaru's sound ninja. It was risky but they still had their ace in the hole. Even if they were betrayed Gaara would ensure that everything went according to plan. If enough damage was done to Konohagakure then one of the other villages would take on their jobs bringing in more funds the village desperately needed. If so then he could meet his wife, Karura, having made the village better than when he took it over. Perhaps he could explain why he had been so harsh on their son, Gaara. It was all for Sunagakure.

     As Rasa approached the meeting place he wondered if the leaf ninja that showed up would be a problem. There had been nothing really for him to look into and seemed like he had exhausted just about everything he could look into. Perhaps Rasa was being too paranoid, but given he was working with a known traitor of the Leaf village. It would not work out all that well if anyone found out.

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