Vol 4 Chapter 23 Once Upon A Time

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     It had been some time since he had traveled to the Land of Grass. He was not far from the border of his home, the Land of Fire. Itachi had more important things to worry about than home, but it still called to him.

     "After our mission, we can stop by there, it wouldn't be hard... you know" Itachi's partner in the Akatsuki spoke up. The tall light blue skinned ninja from swordsman of the mist grinned at his partner, filed shark-like teeth showing.

     Itachi was certain Kisame would never have suggested it with anyone else in the Akatsuki. That was probably why they had paired to the two. It seemed Itachi was the only person that Kisame remotely respected. Pain probably could have brought the other ninja in line quickly it wouldn't be very efficient.

     "Perhaps, we need to find out where nine tails is first." Itachi had no great hope that they would find the information they sought from Orochimaru, but they had their orders. Eliminating Orochimaru wasn't part of the job but it would make things easier for when they went after nine tails and it would make Konohagakure safer. He could accomplish the latter without anyone realizing his full intent, except Kisame. He was fairly certain Kisame knew a number of his secrets, but the larger ninja showed no interest in exposing this. All he seemed interested in was fighting and as long as he could do that nothing else mattered. In a way he could understand why the ninja was like this, it kept part of him secure and safer from being hurt allowing him to focus his pain into something else.

     It had helped him after the fall of his clan, the Uchiha Clan. He had pulled that mission off himself as part of the villages Root ninja, only afterward realizing Danzo had given the order without the knowledge or consent of the Hokage. Perhaps the 3rd Hokage could have taken a different route. It was too late for that now. His father was given the nickname Wicked Eye Fugaku for a reason, the more he thought about it the more he realized it would likely have ended up worse. He was, however, able to save his brother, but he was certain Sasuke would never forgive him or understand why he did what he did. He felt that sudden pain in his heart again, not just from the disease that was still wrecking him although at the moment it was manageable, but other memories. He remembered the last look Izumi Uchiha had given him.

     The Chunin exams were coming up soon and Izumi was excited about them

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     The Chunin exams were coming up soon and Izumi was excited about them. She would use this chance to impress Itachi, she had talked with Himuka Suzukaze about it. She was in Itachi's team, also called at times Team Yuki after the Jonin in charge of them. According to Himuka, Itachi did notice her when she wasn't looking and when he thought nobody was watching him. It was always hard to read him. They might be in the same clan but they were from opposite sides of it distantly related.

     She slapped her cheeks to bring herself out of her thoughts. She needed to focus now on her training so she could become Chunin. The night air chilled her despite it being summer. She wasn't sure if it was her thinking of Itachi that caused it or all the strange rumors around the Uchiha clan section of the village. There seemed to be something going on but she wasn't being brought into it probably because of her rank as a genin, or maybe because her mother had left the clan when she married Izumi's father. They were still part of it to a degree but not really by FuGaku's standards.

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