Vol 3 Chapter 20 En Passant

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      Hebikura was getting impatient. The ninja he had hired should have contacted him by now. Orochimaru had told him he had sent the best for the job and it should have been simple. All they had to do was eliminate one troublesome princess. The report of Yukiko's untimely demise should have reached him by now. He stood at the northern entrance to the capital city. The guards actually thought he was there to inspect them. The officers in charge thought he even might be taking more interest in affairs of the state starting with the defense of the city.

     It wasn't that the Officer was wrong, he was more interested in affairs of state, but he just needed to remove one tiny person in his way. If he did that then his uncle would have little choice but to make him the Heir to the Daiymo. It was just Yukiko's bad luck to be in his way. He was about to give up for the evening, only merchants seemed to be on the road when he noticed a brief series of red flashes from the woods not that far from the city. It got the attention of the guards beside him but they wouldn't understand its meaning. One of the sound ninja should be arriving soon with good news. That would mean he needed to get into position.

     He left the guard post to head into the city, from the time he saw the symbol he would have a little time to change into something more formal and be in position for when the ninja delivered the bad news. This would finally be his time to shine.

     For some strange reason his personal assistant was missing, so it took him a little longer than he had hoped to prepare for his inevitable promotion. He would simply have to replace that one once he became the heir. He might even have the personal assistant killed given the fact that there was a needle left in his outfit, what kind of servant is so careless? The assistant should have at least put the needle away after repairing the outfit. When he arrived in the audience chamber it looked like the ninja had not been announced yet, but that wouldn't take much longer. He slithered over to the side where he would have a decent view.

     He watched as a few petitioners gave reports and asked for one thing or another. His mind honestly wasn't on what the peasants were doing but how he could benefit. It took almost a half an hour before the ninja appeared in the chamber, some guards pushing him ahead of the other people and with good reason.

     The ninja was injured, even a novice like Hebikura could see that much. The ninja wore a symbol of the fire ninja, Konohagakure. He would have preferred to not have involved them, but it was too late to change that. Orochimaru had sworn there wouldn't be a problem, and with the amount of money, he had been paid that had better be true. Even if they did become a problem once he was in charge he would work to replace them with Orochimaru's ninja, part of him wondered why he trusted Orochimaru so much, but the thought quickly went away. He never noticed a small mark written in the snake language flaring on his wrist.

  He never noticed a small mark written in the snake language flaring on his wrist

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     Ino had woken up from her long sleep ever since passing out back in Hanabira. Creating those traps had used up every bit of chakra she had even with getting help from Purin, it was simply too much. The others must have gotten another carriage along the way. She sat up trying to rub the sleep from her eyes to find herself looking at Aoi in her maid's outfit again.

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