Chapter Ten: Deja Vu

Start from the beginning

"Well, if you notice, there are no pigs around here.", replied Elaga, "We have cows, and chickens, but only for milk and eggs.  Making foods that taste like real meat is very difficult, and take a long time.  Plus it is a secret old recipe. We only save it for visitors, which as you know is rare.  You have to remember, Constantine is a widower.  His poor wife was murdered in cold blood.  He just can't stand the thought of killing. We don't just do it for health reasons, it's out of respect for him."  Elisabeth just kept studying her.

"You know, this is going to sound odd.", said Elisabeth, But I feel like I know you from somewhere.  Almost like we were close one, but I never met before I came here."

"Really?", asked Elaga with a smile, "I-I just probably have a common face. Plus, I always try to be the surrogate mother to everyone. I think everyone is just comfortable around me."

"No.", replied Elisabeth, "It's not that, it's almost as if-AH!"  Elisabeth all of a sudden doubled over in pain. She grabbed her stomach, and began to cry.  She experiencing horrible cramps. It was as if someone was continuously stabbing her in the abdomen.

"What's wrong?", cried Elaga.

"I don't know!", cried Elisabeth in agony, "It hurts, it just hurts!" 

"Here, let's get you into bed.", said Elaga.  Elisabeth laid down, and Elaga covered her with a blanket.

"Oh my God!", cried Elisabeth, "I'm scared!  I've never been in so much pain!"

"There, there, Elisabeth you'll be okay.", said Elaga while gently stroking Elisabeth's hair, "You have to be okay.  I'm going to get Constantine. Just wait here.  Please my darling, be okay."  She then ran out of the cottage.  Although she tried to reassure Elsbeth, she was extremely worried. A couple minutes later, she returned with Constantine, who was carrying a bag. By now Elisabeth was shaking.

"Oh my God!", cried Constantine, He then sat on the bed, next to Elisabeth. He gently sat her up, and held her to him.  As he held her, he rocked her gently.

"Constantine?", Elisabeth whispered in a frail voice,"What, what's wrong with me?"

"I'm here, Elisabeth.", he reassured her, "You're going to be okay. I'm going to take care of you, I promise. Here, drink this."  He took a vial, from his bag, and had her drink form it. Normally, she would question what it was.  But, she was in so much pain, she didn't care what it was.  Soon she began to fall asleep.  He then looked at Elaga.

"Are you sure you checked all of medications, when you went through her bags?", he asked.

"Yes.", said Elaga, "All I found were vitamins."

"Bring me her bag Elaga.", he told her.  She brought Elisabeth's backpack over, and her began going through it. He knew what he was trying to find. He hoped he wouldn't find it, but he did, and pulled it  out of her bag.

"Oh no! No!", he cried, "I'm sorry, Elaga I should have told you exactly what to look for."

"I didn't even know that was medication.", she replied.  "Is she going to be all right?"

"It's not your fault Elaga, it's mine.", he told her, "Sometimes I forget that most of you don't understand the outside world. I have to get her back to my place.  I can save her there.  If I don't, she'll die."  He gently lifted Elisabeth off of the bed, and then kissed her forehead.

"Please save her Constantine!", cried Elaga, "I can't lose her, not again!"

"Don't worry Elaga, I won't lose her.", said Constantine, "I've waited five hundred years for my Elsbeth to return, we all have. I reuse to let her go." 

"What if she wakes up, and finds out that-?", Elaga began tom ask.

"Don't worry, if she wakes up, I'll take care of it.', he told her, "Just like the night I first brought her home, she'll think it was all a dream."  He then looked at his sleeping angel.

"I'll save you, my love."

Hey guys!  Short Chapter. Normally I try to write every night, which is why get a lot of chapters out at least every other night. The only thing is, I work for the U.S. Postal Service.  As you know the Christmas season has started.  This means that I will be putting in a lot of work hours up until December 25th. I may be able to get more than one chapter a week, but I can only guarantee one chapter a week.  Saturday nights, and Sundays are probably going to be best times for me to write.  After the holiday season, things will get back to normal. Just didn't want anyone to think I'm getting board with, or running out of ideas for the story. It's just that some nights, I'm too tired write.  I just want to be able to get out the best story possible.

Thanks! ❤️


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