Chapter two: A Stranger's Hospitality

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All if a sudden, there was a knock at the door.

"Miss?  Are you okay in there?  I thought I heard you screaming.  Miss?  May I come in."

"Um, okay!", answered Elisabeth.  The door slowly creeped open, and in walked a portly woman.  She looked to be about in her late fifteies. 

"I'm fine.", said a confused Elisabeth., "I had a nightmare, I guess.  It seemed real, but it couldn't have been.  I'm sorry, where am I?  How did I get here?

"Oh you poor thing.", she replied, "You've been through a lot the last couple of days."

"Days?", asked Elisabeth was surprised, none the less.

"I"m afraid so.", replied the woman, "Father Francis was taking his daily constitutional, two mornings ago.  He found you at the bottom of  the ravine, you were unconscious.  He then went to fetch the healer, he's the one who brought you here. I know that ravine Miss.  If you fell down from there, that was quite a long way. You'e lucky to be alive. By the way, my name is Elaga."

"My name is Elisabeth," she replied, "You say a healer brought me here, do you mean a doctor?'

"No.", said Elaga, "We don't have a doctor, just a healer. But he's very talented, don't let his lack of a degree fool you.  You'r probably wondering where your clothes are, why your in a nightgown, and who cleaned you up."

"Yes.", replied Elisabeth, "That was going to be my next question"

"Well, you were covered in dirt, and you had a lot of scrapes and bruises", she told Elisabeth, "The healer asked two female assistants, to bathe you. Then they treated your injuries, so they wouldn't get infected.  One of the assistants leant you her nightgown.  We went through your bag, but you didn't seem to have one.  I hope you don't the invasion of privacy, we were just to make you comfortable.  We also were looking for any information about you."

"No that's fine.", Elisabeth replied, "You were just trying to help. Where am I, exactly?"

"Your in the guest cottage.", Elaga replied, "You're in the village of Oakshire.  The healer asked my husband, and I too watch you.  Are you hungry dear, I can make you some breakfast."

"That would be lovely.", said Elisabeth, "But, please let me help."

"No, Miss.", said Elaga, "The healers orders are that you are to stay in bed, until he sees you today."

"But, I feel fine.", said Elisabeth.

"No Miss, I have my orders.", said Elaga, "Besides, that ankle is still sore.  Now, if I see you out of that bed, you're going to have to deal with me.  Ask my poor husband, believe me, you don't want to unleash the beast in me." She then gave Elisabeth a playful smile.

"Okay.", said Elisabeth smiling back, "I'll be good."

Elaga soon cam back with a plate of eggs, and ham, and some fresh baked whole wheat bread.  Elisabeth was starving.  Whether is was from not eating for two days, that it was a farm fresh breakfast, or both, it was the best breakfast she ever had.  After breakfast, Elaga came to collect the empty plate.

"Well that was fast, dear, I guess you were hungry.", said Elaga, "Can I bring you anything?'

"May I have, my backpack please?", asked Elisabeth.

"Your what, Miss?', asked a confused Elaga.

"My backpack.", said Elisabeth, "The bag I had with me."  Elisabeth then pointed to it in the corner."  Elaga then went, and got for Elisabeth.  She then gently placed it on the bed.

"Is that what's it called?', asked Elaga.  Elisabeth looked confused.

"You've never heard of a backpack?", asked Elisabeth.

"No.", replied Elaga, "But it does seem like a convenient way to haul your items.  Now, I will leave you alone.  The healer should be here soon."

After she left, Elisabeth opened her bag, and took out her smartphone.  She turned it on, damn, no signal. Wherever she was, it was the middle of nowhere.  She scanned the room, it was beautiful, but there was no TV.  Wherever she was, it really was the middle on nowhere. Or, at least at the bottom of nowhere.  With nothing better to do, she took out her hairbrush.  She then began to comb through her shimmering locks, shined like spun gold.

Many thoughts were going through her mind. Even though that dream seemed impossible, it was just too real.  Then again, she has dreamt about a dragon most of her life.  However, this one was completely different. Also, if she only dream, why was her ankle still hurting? How did Elaga know about it?

Maybe while she was unconscious, the pain showed up in the dream. That's probably why she dreamt about it. Elisabeth, decided she must have hit her head.  She just didn't remember it happening. Elaga was a sweet lady, but there was something odd about her.  It was as if the healer ran the town. 

"I hope that he isn't the head of some crazy cult.", she thought, "No, that's ridiculous, I hope."

Who was this healer anyway? What was his medical knowledge? It couldn't have been that great, if he didn't know not to move an unconscious victim.  She was lucky she wasn't a paraplegic. He should have tried to get her some sort of emergency help, or gotten her safely to hospital.  Why was she brought here? 

"I wonder where Josh is?", thought Sarah, "He's probably sexting Myndi, right now. I hope he falls, and breaks his dick.  Maybe he actually got worried?  Perhaps he got hold of the local emergency service, and there looking for me right now.  Of course they won't find me I rolled down a hill, and landed in a strange town call Oakshire.  I never even heard of it. It's not on the map.  Well I wanted to see the hills, and the hidden treasures of Ireland.  Not only did I find a big hill, but I definitely found somewhere that's hidden."

Bored out of her mind, out of her mid, she kept waiting for the healer to arrive.  Oh God, did she have to go the bathroom.  Where was it even located? Hopefully she would get a shower.  They had bathed her, but she had also been unconscious for two days.  She was feeling quite rancid.

She then began to panic.  If she hit her head, and has been unconscious for two days, shouldn't she have a CT-SCAN.  What if she had a brain hemorrhage?  She could be wasting precious time waiting for some backwoods healer, while she should be examined in a hospital. 

Hopefully, these people would help her get out of here soon.  Elega kept telling her how amazing the healer was.  She just met Elaga, why should she trust elaga's opinon?  Elisabeth just kept imagining this so called healer.  He was probably some codgerly old man, carrying around a portable apothecary.  Oh, what if he does some weird folklore crap? Oh God, what tif she get's leeched. Her imagination was running away with her. 

"Calm down, breathe.", she reminded herself.  Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Miss, It's ELaga!", she said, "Are you descent?"

"Yes!", replied Elisabeth, "Come in!"  Elaga then slowly opened.  The healer is here Mss, he wants to see you."

"Thank you.", said Elisabeth, "Please come in."  She looked up and saw him standing in the doorway.  However, he was anything but, an old codger.

"My name is Constantine.", he said with a smile.  He had the name of an angel, and a face to match.


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