Chapter Thirty Four

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Rhea sat in the back informing the other rebels what their plan was step by step. Luke was fiddling around with some controls while Chewbacca waited in the co-pilots seat.

"You got her warmed?"

Han asked as he made his way into the cockpit and sat down.

"Yeah, she's comin' up"

Luke responses and sat down. Chewbacca growled and waved his arms across the controls.

"No. I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie"

Was Hans response to an annoyed Chewbacca. As the crew got ready Leia joined them and sat down beside Luke. Han and Chewbacca hit some switches and the ship began to hum, it was then Leia noticed Han looking longingly outside the ship.

"Hey, are you awake?"

"Yeah, I just got a funny feeling. Like I'm not gonna see her again"

Han answered taking his gaze off his beloved Falcon. Chewbacca looked up and gave Han a comforting bark as Leia patted his shoulder.

"Come on, General, let's move"

Han nods and grabs the controls.

"Right. Chewie, let's see what this piece of junk can do. Ready, everybody?"

"All set"

Luke answered.

"Here we go again"

C-3PO replied in his usual panicked voice.

"I hope the ship powdered it's nose this time around, Han"

Rhea laughed. Han rolled his eyes and lifted the ship in the air.

"All right, hang on"

Finally after reaching Endor the group saw what they were up against.

"If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie"

Chewbacca barked his agreement to Han. Han flicked another switch and an imperials voice came over comms. Everyone else in the cockpit fell deadly silent.

"We have you on our screen now. Please identify"

"Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield"

"Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage"

"Transmission commencing"

Han sent the codes and everyone held their breath.

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid"

Leia commented.

"It'll work. It'll work"

Han snapped back. As the two pilots waited nervously clutching onto the controls Luke stared off into the distance, Rhea leaned over and tapped his shoulder mouthing the words, are you alright?

"Vader's on that ship"

He answers more to himself then to her or anyone else.

"Now don't get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships. Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don't look like you're trying to keep
your distance"

Han replies as Chewbacca barks back at him.

"I don't know. Fly casual"

Han shrugged before returning his focus to flying. While Luke still stared off into the distance Rhea held his shoulder.

"I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come"

"It's your imagination, kid. Come on. Let's keep a little optimism here"

Han says his tone getting more annoyed the longer they wait. Chewbacca barks again even those who couldn't understand him could tell he was getting nervous.

"They're not goin' for it, Chewie"

Han says, gripping the controls ready to turn when the imperial comes back on the comms.

"Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately. Follow your present course"

Han shuts the comms off and the group rejoice quietly but Luke continues to stare off into space.

"Okay! I told you it was gonna work. No problem"

Han smiled.


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