Chapter XXIII

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It had rained again. Rhea honestly couldn't tell if it was a continuous storm that covered Dagobah's atmosphere or she was just unlucky. There was never a clear sky, and it rained at least once a day if you were lucky. She had made her way to Lukes camp by the time the clouds slightly parted, letting limited sunlight flood the jungle.

It had nearly been a week since the cave. Rhea had gone back to her ship once Luke had entered, she figured Luke would eventually come to help her with the ship as she had asked, but he never did.

She wondered what the cave was like. She contemplated asking Luke what he had seen or done in the cave, but she had not worked up the courage to prod and poke him for information and continued fixing her ship, until now.

Whatever he saw disturbed him, she didn't want to reawaken that memory he held within him, yet she felt compelled to ask him, she felt an urge to know.

"Artoo, where's Luke?" Rhea asked the astromech.

The droid swivelled his head around and whistled. She trod across the camp, seeing him sitting against a tree where she couldn't see him before.

"Luke, I know you've been avoiding me," She accused him, crossing her arms. He jumped at her voice, not noticing her before. "Why? Was it something in that cave?"

"Rhea..." He stood up. Guilt was written all over his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What? What did you see?" She asked, taking a step closer to him, but he backed away.

"It doesn't matter. I don't think you should know anyway,"

"What is so bad that you can't even tell me?" She scoffed, offended by his words.

"Look Rhea, it's a lot that's just hard to explain. Just trust me,"

"Trust you? You've known me for three years, and you avoid me, now you won't even tell me what happened," She snapped back. "When are you going to trust me?"

"Rhea, I've always trusted you, where is this even coming from?" Luke stared at her utterly astounded at the sudden outburst.

"I've always been there for you, Luke! Why is this time any different, what is your problem, what did that cave show you?" She yelled, overcome with anger, and she didn't understand why.

She went to walk away from him, but Luke caught her arm just in time, turning her to him. His eyes were filled with concern as he tried to hug his friend, but it only irritated her further, so she gave him a rough shove.

"Rhea, what is wrong with you? You bury everything! You act like your fine. That nothing bothers you, but I can sense how badly you're hurting, is that why you're so upset?" Luke yelled back at her.

"Don't use your 'Force powers' to look in my mind and solve this," She turned her back to him, trying to push away the feeling of hitting him. She wanted to stop feeling this way, but something was egging her on.

"That's not what I'm doing Rhea! I can feel your anger, but I don't know why you feel that way. You have to let me in, let me help you," He came up behind her wanting to hold his friend but when she looked at him it was with such fury it scared him.


"Enough of this, I say," Yoda cut her off with a glare and a stomp of his gimer stick. The two quieted down immediately as the little green Jedi Master suddenly interrupted them.

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