Chapter VIII

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Rhea flinched at the footsteps above their heads. Ben patted her shoulder reassuringly as the sound faded. Once the footsteps were gone, they pushed the panels above their heads out of their place.

"Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments," Luke sighed in relief as he pulled himself up, Han getting up as well.

"I use them for smuggling. I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in them. This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam," He scowled.

"Leave that to me!" Ben chirped happily, taking Rhea's hand helping him out the compartment.

"Damn fool. I knew that you were going to say that"

"Who's the more foolish... the fool or the fool that follows him?" Ben countered, earning a grin from Rhea. Chewbacca barked as he popped his head out from the compartment getting a pat on his head from Han.

"What now?" Rhea asked, getting up. However, they fell silent. No one dared to move as a voice spoke outside the ship.

"The ship's all yours. If the scanners pick up anything, report it immediately. All right, let's go,"

"I think it's time we get ourselves more suited attire," Han whispered with a sly look.

The group hid in one of the hallways of the ship as the technicians, burdened with a crate of scanners, slowly boarded the ship.

Han signalled Chewbacca once the Imperials were out of sight from the boarding ramp, the Wookiee snatched the technicians and bashed their heads against the Falcons walls.

Luke helped grab the smaller of the two technicians letting Rhea take the suit. Han snuck over to the boarding ramp calling down to the two Stormtroopers guarding.

"Hey down there! Could you give us a hand with this?"

The two shrugged and walked into the ship. Chewbacca repeated his process with the two Stormtroopers and barked to Han they were clear.

"Suit up," Han ordered, chucking a helmet to Luke as he dressed in the armour. Once they were dressed in their disguises, they made their way to the control station.

"This better work," Rhea mumbled quietly to Han as they waited to be let in.

She fidgeted with the technician jumpsuit she wore, wearing it over her tunics was more than uncomfortable. Before Han could talk back the blast door slid up, Chewbacca had already thrown the closest Imperials against the wall as Han instantly blasted the rest.

"You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight. It's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here," Luke complained as he took his helmet off, chucking it on a panel. Han strolled past him, plopping down in a chair.

"Bring them on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around,"

"We found the computer outlet, sir," C-3PO alerted them.

"Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial computer network," Ben answered, moving over to the panel.

R2-D2 punched his clawed arm into the computer socket and started beeping as the control panel lit up with all sorts of maps and information.

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