"Nick, I never kissed him so you can stop thinking that I did" he grabbed his phone and stared down at the article that I'd left on his screen.

"You're wearing the exact same clothes, Demi. How the hell am I supposed to believe that you didn't kiss him?" I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through my hair, this isn't how I wanted tonight to go. I wanted a quiet night in with my boyfriend, snuggled under a blanket on my sofa, watching movies all night long.

"Somebody obviously has great photoshop skills because I didn't kiss him. Yeah, I went out to dinner with him but you knew about that anyway because I told you beforehand" Nick ran his fingers through his hair as he released a breath, my heart pounding in my chest out of fear that he wouldn't believe me. Would we still have a relationship if he doesn't believe me? Will I still be able to be with him if he doesn't believe a word that leaves my mouth?

"Nobody is that good at photoshop. You look exactly like you do in the other photo. Do you want to get back with him?" I shook my head, rolled my eyes and released a breath. "Are you fucking him?" I couldn't help but to release a chuckle, that angered Nick more though.

"Ya know what, yeah, I'm fucking him" Nick didn't find that as amusing as I did. "I'm kissing him in public so that my boyfriend can find out about it" I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Nick, you're being ridiculous, I am not cheating on you" I could feel tears burning at the back of my eyes, threatening to spill over my eyelids.

"What the hell am I supposed to think when a photo of you and your ex-boyfriend, who you were so in love with, is spread over social media?" I dropped my head into my hands as I released a frustrated growl.

"You're supposed to trust me because I'm your girlfriend" I stared into Nick's eyes, allowing him to see the tears that were threatening to spill. The anger on his face never melted even as the first tear rolled down my cheek. I hate to look weak, but that concept flew out the window when the thought of Nick not trusting me is involved. "You don't trust me, do you?" I wiped the tear from my cheek as I released a broken chuckle.

"Demi, what am I supposed to think? If you saw photos of me and Olivia kissing, would your mind jump to me cheating on you?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head

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"Demi, what am I supposed to think? If you saw photos of me and Olivia kissing, would your mind jump to me cheating on you?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You and Olivia aren't friends, Nick. You haven't spoken to Olivia in years so if there happened to be photos of you two kissing all over social media, then yes, I would be suspicious but I would still trust you" Nick stared at me, no emotion on his face whatsoever. "You're supposed to trust me, Nick. I'm your girlfriend and you're supposed to believe everything that comes out of my mouth" he didn't seem to react in any way to the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. "Wilmer's my friend and he has been for years. He's been there for me through everything, Nick. I'm not just going to throw away that friendship because you're jealous" Nick rolled his eyes, but I knew that I'd hit the nail on the head. He's jealous of the friendship that I share with Wilmer.

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