Suggestions of Wattpad Next

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Complaining that you're broke and/or being verbally abusive, sometimes even to the point of threatening is not going to help.

I mean seriously, you think being verbally abusive (cussing, personally attacking the author, threatening...(-_-), can help win your argument and Wattpad Next will suddenly go poof? My goodness. That is just shameful on the readers part. When you resort to that and step so low, you're just bullying.

You think writing your anger out on a story will help against Wattpad Next? NO! It doesn't. There are a dozen stories and hundreds if not thousands of comments on there. No one is always going to shift and look for your comment and take note of it.

If you really want to make a change, here's my suggestion:

Roll your complaints over to the actual Wattpad Next Support!

Seriously. Why are you going at the authors? You hate the program. Then you should talk to those directly rolling out the program. Authors may join the program, but it is Wattpad that decides to create and roll out this program, and if anything, they are the ones that can actually make the changes to improve the actual program, not so much the authors themselves.

Go broadcast your views and rants on the actual Wattpad Next instead if you really cared to make a change. Perhaps try the new feature feedback in Help Center? Or the Wattpad Community forum? 

Either way, take your rants to the program itself and not to the stories. I like to read comments in the stories that are legit about the story's plot or characters and themes, not on hate-filled angry comments that does nothing else besides making others rethink if Wattpad really is a community for writers to write their stories on.

And make better suggestions!

Complaining and jabbing out the flaws is always easy (a toddler can do that), but offering good suggestions is more valuable even if it may be harder - because it can actually do something – like providing ideas for better solutions.

And suggestions to fix the issues with Wattpad Next program should be about making better suggestions that can support the authors, who in turn, provide readers with great stories. Look, I don't exactly like everything that's in it. (Next chapter cause it's a bit different from the tone here.)

But if you truly are so frustrated by not being able to read good books from talented authors because they have a pay-wall, suggest something else that can help support the authors then.

Please note: Suggesting everything to be free does not help. Air is free but authors/writers (whatever you want to call them or yourself), can't just live on air and even clean air is limited. 

Now, I do like to see comments on both sides, as long as its logical. 

If you have good suggestions, then write it out in the comments. Want to counter-argue? Put it in the comments here too. That is fine.

As long as you provide valid, reasonable, good reasons to back up your suggestion or counter-argument. I do not want to read another comment that only speaks of the reader's rudeness and ignorance on their behalf.

Expect some questions directed your way. Be ready to support what you say or expect your argument and/or suggestions to flop. 

Here are the suggestions I've seen so far and would like to note on: 

Get a Publisher

After reading RodneyVSmith's comment on the steps of publishing, it probably is better to separate it as another chapter to go more into depth on it, especially since so many shout out this anyways.

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