Chapter 12

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The days go by agonisingly slowly after I ended things with Noah. Every day is the same, I've woken up, gone to work, come home and slept. I've barely eaten anything because the thought of someone dying because of me makes me feel sick to my stomach. This morning Millie made sure I got a bowl of cereal in me before I headed out of the door. I'm starting to eat a little better but I'm in pain. My life felt like it was starting to look up for once.

I have the regular payments coming out of my bank account to pay off my father's debt all sorted, I have a stable job that pays well- though it doesn't pay as much as when I was working for MKT. But now all of that seems futile, I've lost everything even though I've only lost him.

Every morning at around 6 am he calls me. I let it go to voicemail because I have to do what she says and by answering his calls means that I am not staying away from Noah. The hurt in his voice is evident when I listen to the messages, it's the same each day. Noah calls and expects the voicemail and says please call me back we can fight this together. That part of the message is always different but I know he means those words, then at the end, he says the same each time, I won't give up on us. I love you.

Sometimes I don't even listen to the messages and they sit on my phone unheard. There are some days I can't bare to hear his voice knowing that that is the only way I can. I can't hear him laugh, talk, or even shout face to face again and it's slowly killing me.

At 6 am I receive a voicemail and at 10 pm every night a text comes through on my phone. It's simple and always reads goodnight Princess.

I know that he knows I read the texts because I have the read receipts on so he understands that even though I can't message back a simple goodnight, I am always waiting for that text.

It's been 7 months now and I thought Noah would stop eventually but he hasn't. The phone calls have become more infrequent, I guess he has run out of different ways to say the same thing. His persistence is admirable but shocking. I didn't expect to ever hear from him again after how I ended things. I didn't even hear him out, I immediately did what I thought- what I knew was right. Staying away is the only option for me.

Brooke even said so in another letter I received. Around two months into ignoring all contact from Noah, Millie found another note by the front door. I opened it that night alone in my room, unlike the previous letter this one was neatly written on a flower patterned piece of paper in a dainty envelope. The letter was long and contained words of praise from Brooke. The letter talked about how understanding I have been and how alike we are. The entire time I read that letter I was full with disgust because this was a tactic of manipulation and I knew it. If that letter alone wasn't enough indication that its purpose was to manipulate then the one thousand dollars inside the envelope was.

That money has sat in my drawer underneath my workout clothes ever since I received it. That's the only drawer that I never go into because I just don't have the time to work out anymore as work is so demanding. I barely even have time to eat. Keeping the money in that drawer is a safe bet because not even Millie will go into it as her belly is starting to grow a lot quicker than any of us anticipated. She even insists that she must be having triplets but the doctor says otherwise.

I've told no one about the money because I can't drag them into this. Millie is pregnant and the thought of her, the baby or Archie being in danger is terrifying. Brooke wouldn't risk a baby's life, would she? I can't even take that risk, I don't know what she is capable of. She has shot Kelly twice now, that letter I received 7 months ago with the bloodied stain is confirmation of that and all because I didn't stay away.

I find it humorous that I was sent away by Noah and didn't want to leave, and now I don't want to go back. She knows where I live, she must be monitoring me. So as long as I stay here I'll be safe...they'll be safe.

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