Ch2 - Welcome

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"Shh Liz, it's okay. Just sit down or something." Stiles said a bit overwhelmed. If he's overwhelmed by this, then he'll definitely not be able to help me. I obeyed and sat on his bed. 

"Just calm down and explain it." 

I nodded and began to tell. 

"I... I fled- No I... planned this. Uhm... Okay. You know about my father right? Well you know that he doesn't really 'like' me right?" 

He nodded. 

"Yeah, it's a bit worse than that. He stopped paying anything for me a few years ago and I began dreaming of 'escaping'. Then a few days ago, I had a chance. So I took it. I'd saved money for plane tickets and I took the train and bus here." 

Stiles frowned "There is no bus to Beacon Hills, most people know how to drive here." 

"Yeah I know. I wasn't lying when I said I walked here." 

Stiles mumbled a 'wow' and we sat in silence. 

"So... I- I need... I don't..." I began but before I knew it I was crying again. 

"Do you want to stay here?" Stiles asked while rubbing my back. 

I nodded but said "What about your dad? Won't he think it's weird." 

Stiles laughed "I'm weird, he's used to it." 

I smiled a little and looked around his room to find a place to sleep. At worst I could sleep on the floor. It's not that bad, I've done it many times. My thoughts were interrupted by the growling of my stomach. Stiles laughed again and said: 

"Okay, noted. What do you want to eat?" 

"What do you have?" 

"Uh, just the normal stuff. Bread, Capn Crunch-" 


"What?" he asked back kind of confused. 

"Capn Crunch? What's that?" 

His eyes widened and he made some spastic movements which made me smile a bit. "You don't know Capn Crunch?" 

"Uh... no?" 

"Okay, I know what you're gonna eat." he said while showing me the way to the kitchen. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, his father looked up from the TV. He frowned and looked like he was thinking of things to say. Stiles didn't notice it and pulled me in the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl and a box with large letters saying 'Capn Crunch'. 

"Stiles..." his father said from the doorpost while looking at Stiles's shirt that I was wearing "I know that you're growing up and all... and I have nothing against that... just... at least do it when I'm not home... And use protection." 

Stiles mouth dropped and he kept looking between me and his dad. 

"Oh god..." I mumbled. I didn't sleep with Stiles!

"Dad! We were not... we didn't... This is Liz. She needs a place to stay for a while. She's a good friend of mine." 

"It... hi?" I said while awkwardly holding out my hand. Mr Stilinski didn't move the first few seconds but eventually grabbed my hand and introduced himself to me. 

"So... you're gonna stay with us for a while..." he said. I knew he wanted my story and why I would be staying with him but he seemed like a decent man who also didn't wanted to push the subject. So I told him what was necessary. 

I also told him about all my trouble to get here. I'd seen the opportunity from far before so I'd literally taken care of everything. Not just the money, I also made sure to become an American citizen and to have all my official documents. Basically, everything except for a place to stay.

"What accent is that? I've never heard it before." Mr Stilinski asked me when I'd finished my story and was eating my Capn Crunch. 

"It's Dutch. But in my defense, it could be way worse." 

"Really? Try." Stiles asked. 

"Wel, Oké den uh... lets cee. whot em I gooin toe tàlk abot?" I said with my worst accent. Stiles laughed and even Mr Stilinski smiled. 

"Told you it could be worse." 

"So you just packed everything and left?" Mr Stilinski asked.

I gulped and spaced out. There hadn't been much I could take with me. It was horrible to pack my things. I guess that's normal to a lot of people when they move out. But I also guess that it was a different kind of horrible. 

I noticed how much stuff I actually owned. Which was not much. I had nothing left of my childhood. My mother died in a car crash before I got to know her and my dad never talked about her. I used to have one stuffed animal once, but my dad burned it. 

In his defense, I wasn't listening to him so I had to be punished. I was so upset and I promised myself that I would never get attached to an object ever again.

That was when I was five years old.

When I packed my things I'd gotten my clothes, which was literally two or three different outfits. I'd gotten my books, which were two books I'd been able to afford and gave myself as a present. And I'd gotten my laptop. 

I was in love with my laptop. It was something I'd been saving up for. I'd made sure that the video card and the memory was large enough for me to play some games. And that's how I met Stiles.

"Liiiiiz?" Stiles asked while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I replied while getting back to earth. "What was the question?"

Stiles and his dad made eye contact and his dad asked again.

"I just thought... Since you moved here... Where are all your bags?"

"It's upstairs."

"It?" he asked disbelieving.

"Yes?" I answered confused.

"Just one? One bag?"

I nodded and it became silent again. Mr Stilinski slowly got up after a few seconds.

"I trust that my son will show you where everything is." Stiles nodded "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." we both said and he went upstairs. 

Stiles stared at me, I knew he was staring but I kept my head down. 

"I just can't believe that you're really here!" he said after a while and he poked my arm.

"I can't believe my plan actually worked." I muttered. It wasn't that it was a bad plan, it was just that I'd been waiting for something like this ever since I was little. I was finally free.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora