Gift 18

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The clock once again rang out the hour. This time, however, the ghost did arrive on time.

"OK, OK," said the ghost talking fast. "I'm here. Here's the haps, Paps. You get to go on a trip with me to see the Christmas of the Present." She snapped her fingers. Her clothes changed to bright red and greens. She had a ring of bright, alive mistletoe around her head. Her face became bright and alive. Her hair became silky and shiny. Her glow became brighter.

"Wow," I said.

"No time for gawking. The Present doesn't wait for anyone. We got to go. Take my hand and we'll shoot off into the Christmas of Today."

"Wouldn't that technically be the future since, it's only the 19th."

"Don't get technical on me, Kid. I ain't got the time." She then grabbed my hand. "And away we go!"

There was a bright flash. When I opened my eyes, we were still standing in my apartment. Before me I could see myself standing there with the Ghost of Christmas Present. I lifted my arm and so did the other me, instantaneously. I balanced on my right leg, so did he. It was like looking at a mirror. I turned around in order to look away from the freaky mirror. Behind me was me...well, my back anyway. There was a infinite number of me's all looking at our backs. I shifted my weight and the others did too. I turned back around. This time I noticed the infinite number of me's looking forward; we were all looking at our "reflections'" face. It was thousands of me's all looking at ourselves in the present time.

"Just a little gag to liven the mood," said the ghost.

There was another flash.

I now stood in the local park. The sun was shinning. The weather control center did say there would be sunshine until 12:16 then they would turn on the snow. Sally sat on a bench throwing popcorn to the birds. A nearby squirrel checked the scene pondering how to snag a couple kernels for himself. Danny and Bandit played fetch. Danny laughed and threw the ball. A few seconds later, Bandit would return with it.

"What is this?" I asked.

"While you and Brain play your little gift-keep-away game, others are out enjoying the holidays and spending time with each other," said the ghost, actually slowing down for a moment. "The holidays are a time to be with those you care about--not spying on each other and present snatching."

"I know that," I said. "What I meant is what lie are you showing me? Sally doesn't feed the birds and Bandit never plays fetch."

"Fine," sighed the ghost. She snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, we stood in the Doghouse "living room." Sally sat on the couch checking her social media feed. Danny played some online multiplayer game with someone called Ryack. Bandit streamed Beethoven.

"Any plans for Christmas?" said Sally.

"Nope," said Danny. "Probably just work."

"Me too. I'll probably hit the After Christmas sales."

I turned to the ghost. "I'm getting all teary-eyed."

In a rush of lights and sparkles, we returned to my apartment. The Ghost of Christmas Present checked her watch. "So what did we learn today?"

"That the present is fleeting and we should spend as much time as we can with our loved ones. The present is but an instant and then it is gone. It is something to be cherished and not wasted through greed or other selfish desires."

"Wow. You got all that from what we saw?"

"Not really." I held up a stack of bound pages. "But that's what it says in my outline."

She stomped her foot. "You are incorrigible!"

"I know. It says so right on page three." I pointed to the bulleted item. "I'm supposed to be annoying until the last ghost arrives. Then I experience an epiphany and promise to change my ways showing a sudden moment of character growth."

The ghost rubbed the bridge of her nose. "This is the last time I work with Awoken."

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