Everyone watched me, as I sighed, shaking my head, and got up , following Damien out the door.

The moment I walked outside, and closed the door, I looked at Damien, and he looked less.... Evil. And his eyes were no longer red. What the heck?

" so, what do you want?" he asked harshly.

I averted my eyes from him, " I...um." I paused, and in that 3 seconds that I paused to think, an idea came to mind. I started again.

" Damien, I love you," I said, then walked up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and roughly kissed him, on the lips.

I felt him crinkle his face, as he gently kissed me back. I felt him hesitantly bring his hands up to my face. I could feel him start to bring my face closer as he pulled away and lent in for another kiss, but then, like he just touched a hot element, he all but jumped away from me, and lost all contact.

He didn't look at me, he just looked at the sky, looking like he was whispering something to himself.

I was shaking a tiny bit. He just kissed me back. That has to mean something!

" Damien you kissed me back. That has to mean something! I've heard you still love me, I've heard that you still look at me the way you used too. I know you still want me. So why are you doing this?! I don't understand! You're breaking my heart. " I said, pouring my heart into every word I said.

" Fuck! Aundreya just fucking stop! I do not want you anymore! STOP trying to get me back! It's not going to work! Yes, I may look at you in sort of the same way as I did before, but it's only a look a lust. You're fucking hot. Which is also the reason I kissed you back just now. And the reason i fucked you the other night. I don't love you anymore. Everyone can just shut their dirty fucking mouths and stop talking about me! Because they don't know what I feel! I don't love you! I dont! So stop trying, and stop telling me you love me. I'm with Charlette now. NOT you. " he yelled at me.

" but, why aren't you with me?! I didn't do anything! " I yelled back.

He got this humorous glint in his eye. " didn't do anything?" he chuckled.

" You cheated on me, Aundreya! With my own little brother! You're a fucking dirty slut, and I'm surprised Luke even wanted to be your new boy toy. " he sneered.

I took a step back and covered my mouth with my hand. He knew. How did he know?! Nobody knew but me Luke and Jayson! Did Jay say something? Did Luke?! Oh my god. This could not get any worse.

" you know what, I done dealing with your heart break, and the boys' big mouths. I'm leaving. Now. And don't expect me back. Ever." he said, walking off into the woods.

" Damien, wait!" I took a few steps after him. He just flipped me off as he kept walking.

I walked into the house, Fangs out, and eyes red. All this non feeding, cause of all the blood a drank before, was catching up with me. I needed blood.

I was hyperventilating and holding tears back. I could barely walk strait. The blood lust and heart break was too much. Even for me.

" I, um, I need to go out," I said, grabbing the kitchen counter for balance.

" Princess?" I heard Luke call.

I just shook my head and waved my hand.

" I'm fine!" I snapped, and held the counter tighter, feeling my knees grow week. Fuck, bad shit ALWAYS happens to me. Why can't I just be fucking happy?!

" Aundreya, you need to sit down. NOW," Jaysons damanding voice came from beside me.

" no I dont. I'm fine. I just need to eat," I said.

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