Possessed! Suicidal Nabi x Savior Eli

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"what should I do?? "

"well, I can help you get that entity out, but. "he paused

"we need to wake that person and make that person feel, any will do but not the negative ones such as pain and sadness. Perhaps love and happiness should do, bcause if I force the entity out that entity will latch on the soul of the person it's possessing and the soul of that person will merge with the entity once forced out. Meaning there's no taking that soul back" he said in a more serious tone as I started sweating

"come, we need to hurry I can sense the soul is feeding off the energy of its host"

I nodded and led him

[Authors POV]

[at Nabi's room]

Nabi was just standing still looking at a space while holding her dagger.

'it's dark... Cold... Empty..., I feel like I'm falling on a never ending pit of darkness... someone...anyone.... help me... '

Nabi's eyes were open but it seems like she's not herself

Eli with White barged into the manor as the survivors froze then panicked.

White just stood there smiling

"guys he's here to help! Nabi's in danger! " Eli shouted as they stopped

"What do you mean!? " Naib shouted

"Ah so it's  the female mercenary, we need to help her as soon as possible " White said and looked at the direction of Nabi's room.

Naib ran upstairs immediately along with William and Eli and the rest of the gang.

"NABI! OPEN THE DOOR!" Naib knocked relentlessly

"NABI!" they called but there was no answer

"Darn it! William! " Naib cursed as him and William broke the door down as Nabi came to sight.  But they all froze from the negative energy that welcomed them.

"N-Nabi?... "Tracy called but Nabi was still staring to a space holding her dagger.

"Nabi answer us" Eli said and took a step forward when Nabi flinched and her gaze slowly averted to the gang and they froze in their place as they look on Nabi's eyes.

She raised her dagger and pointed to them then she smiled coldly

"I'm glad you can come to my ceremony" she said but there was a different voice lingering around hers

"Nabi, what are you doing, what do you mean ceremony" Naib said and stepped forward

"STOP" Nabi said loudly as a strong wind blew their way

"come any closer and I will end you" she said but this time her voice was overwhelmed by another one

"this isn't funny" William said

"stand back guys" Lucky said

Naib and William signaled each other as they immediately dashed towards Nabi and grabbed both her arms trying to get her to let go of the dagger.

But in a single flash Naib and William were sent crashing on the walls. Both groaned in pain as the walls had cracks from the impact and their body went numb.

"I told you not to interfere" she said

"now then... " Nabi then gazed at the gang

"we need to act fast" white said looking at Nabi

"I will take her soul as my bride... " This time the voice was of a male, Nabi then started to move the dagger to her neck

"N...Nabi.. " Naib could only watch as he can't move to stop his sibling

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