The Storm is Here...

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{Your POV}

I pace and pace, nervous as ever, waiting for Ultron to arrive, securing my faith in him and that we'd win the battle. But how was I supposed to help? How, how, how? My ears pick up a small noise growing louder. A jet. But which one was it? I sprint through the workshop, up to a stone staircase and out to the lookout area. I saw a smaller version of the Quinjet flying in and my heart beats faster. I watch it land and I nearly lean over the wall to try and squint to see who was on the jet. 

It was hard to see but in the new afternoon light, I could see the glint of metal. Ultron. My heart soars as I watch him take off through the skies and fly over to me. I get more and more excited as I see him draw nearer and he finally lands next to me.

"Well, here I am," Ultron said with a smile.

"And for that, I am thankful," I say, almost sagging with relief, and hug him.

He hugs back and then we part to watch the rest of our team walk up to us. In a matter of minutes, the entire team was assembled before us. 

"Good to see you, (Y/n)," Cap says nodding to me. 

I nod back. "And you too, Cap." I turn to Ultron and look up at him. "So, what's my part in all this?"

"I'm glad you asked," Ultron began, smirking at me. He seemed to want me to say something.

"'Because I'd like to take this time to discuss my evil plan'" I recite a quote from Ultron's memory with a grin and he smiles back.

"Wonderful. Anyways, you're going to be the first line of defense I hate to say it...backup. I had to discuss with the team and that's the place they'll allow you to be in. Is that ok?" Ultron says, looking at me with expectant eyes. 

"As long as I get to help, I'm fine." I nod. 

Suddenly, I saw another jet coming from the horizon and my stomach dropped. The Qunjet. Ultron turns around and together, we watch the jet land a safe distance from the jet Ultron arrived in. I narrow my eyes as I spy Stacy climbing out of the jet. That traitor! I watch the rest of the opposing team exit the jet before they set off in a different direction...All but one person...Tony... He seemed to be in his Iron Man suit and had taken off in our direction using his jets. My heart drops as I watch him draw nearer. 

Ultron turns to me and I look at him. "Run to the workshop," He commands softly and he nodded to Scarlet Witch to signal her to follow me.

I didn't need telling twice. I turned on a dime and sprinted away with Scarlet close behind me...

{Ultron's POV}

Tony lands on the wall right after (Y/n) sprinted and I internally sigh in relief. I smile at Tony, hopefully making him raise his eyebrows.

"Well,  Junior, was that (Y/n) I just saw or was it my imagination?" He asked coldly.

"It must've been your imagination because I haven't seen (Y/n) in quite a while," I reply innocently. 

"Ok, imma pretend that was a lie and that was her running into the castle," Tony said, looking at where (Y/n) had run off to.

"Tony, you should be with the rest of your team, shouldn't you?" Cap asked.

Tony scoffed. "Well you guys aren't playing by the rules so, why should I? You broke those promises like Ultron probably broke that man's arm in (Y/n)'s house." He retorted.

I am certainly going to destroy him...

"Well, I'm playing by the rules now, so, shouldn't that count for something?" I intervene.

"You never play by the rules Junior, tell (Y/n) to go home," Tony commands.

I look at him coldly. "Where is she, then?" I ask, turning the question on him.

Tony swears. "She's with you, you idiot A.I.!!" Stark yells. "How dumb are you?"

"Smarter than you," I reply.

I hear a small snicker from Hawkeye but that was it.

Tony looks at me with fire in his eyes. "We'll see where she really is when this war starts." He says and takes off in the direction of his team.

When he was out of earshot I replied, "We will indeed..." I turn back to the rest of the team. "Well, do we have to finalize our plan or are we going to wing it?" I asked expectantly.

Rogers nods. "Ultron's right, we have to make sure every loophole is closed, we'll finish in the base with (Y/n), let's move."

Together, the team and I trek down into the secret passageway and into the workshop. Once in the giant area, (Y/n) catches sight of me and runs over from the drone she was standing next to. 

"Ready to get to work?" She asks, seeming determined.

"Yes," I reply.

Soon enough, (Y/n), the team, and I finalize our plan or action, making sure (Y/n) would have a place in it...


Here it is!! The next part! I'm so very sorry I haven't updated in so long but school calls! I know it's not much but, I still hope you guys like it!! Thanks for all your support and comments! I love to read them!!

-Starry Shadow

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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