The Calm Before the Storm...

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{Your POV}

I pace inside the Sokovian castle' workshop getting anxious about the war ahead.

"You worry too much, (Y/n)." Ultron, taking the form of his drone, said.

"Well, I can't help it!" I say, stressed. "I'm goanna go to war and I'm only 18!"

Ultron chuckles and continues to sit on a crate. "It means you'll be experienced in life."

"If I survive! I'm fighting against powerful people and I'm not a superhero." I reply.

"But, you're also fighting with powerful people. And I'll be there too so you have nothing to fret."

I groan and sit on a crate next to Ultron. He was contradicting all my worry and doubt which showed how smart he was. 

"How do you do it?" I ask the A.I.

"Do what? I can do many things." Ultron replies looking at me.

"Stay clam through all this crazy and maddening stuff in the world!"

"Well, I stay focused on my mission, whatever it may be, and stress doesn't affect me so."

I laugh. "So what's your mission right now?" I ask.

Ultron places his hand on mine and he looks into my eyes. "To be with you..." He replies.

I blush and look away.

Suddenly, Ultron looks up and away if  someone was coming, snapping my attention back to him.

"What is it?" I ask worriedly.

"At the Avengers Compound," Ultron mumbles to himself. "They're looking for, you..."

I groan and bury my head in my hands. " son of a biscuit..." I whine.

Ultron looks down at me. "I'll come up with something to throw them off your trail, don't worry." He reassures me.

I look back at him and nod. He nods back and the eyes of the drone become blue.

"So, can you follow my commands?" I ask the sentry.

It nods.


Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I look at it. My friends wanted to start a group chat. I roll my eyes thinking of Stacy but, join the chat.

(Y/n), Purple Guy, James, Stacy have joined the group chat...

(Y/n): Hey, guys...

Purple Guy: Hey (nickname), how's the business trip going?

James: Yeah! How is it?

(Y/n): Oh, it's going great! How are you guys?

Purple Guy: Great!

James: Fine!

Stacy: Ok....

(Y/n): Hello....Stacy..... :(

Stacy: Hey, (Y/n) are you?

(Y/n): Fine... >:(

Purple Guy: WTH is going on here?

(Y/n): Oh nothing really...I just found out that Stacy is a S.H.E.I.L.D. AGENT!!

James: WHAT!?! REALLY?!

Purple Guy: NO WAY!!

Stacy: (Y/n)!! Why did you do that!?!?

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