Rise from Ashes

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{Ultron's POV}

Foolish Avengers...how could they possibly believe that minion was the last of me? But, then again how could they have foiled my plan like that? I stand on the edge of a giant crater formed by what was supposed to be my meteor to destroy the world so I could form my new and beautiful world. I stand there wracking my magnificent mind for any possible way to bring back what was taken from me but, it seemed impossible for even my standards. Something minor pops into my mind and I think about it for a while...what is love?

I know what it means, of course. But, what does it actually mean? I've never experienced it before and I feel like I never need to know but, the thought keeps nagging me. I groan in annoyance as the thought keeps pestering me.

"Give it a rest!" I snap to myself.

Suddenly, another feeling sets in...fear...why is that? Is it because this body is the last one? Probably...Feelings are so weird, so much so, I don't understand them as well as I probably should. Ok...think Ultron. Strategize your mission. As I plan out what I need to do, the sun sets on the Earth and sadly, it wouldn't be the last.

"Alright...alright...my mission? Find out what love is..." I say as if to clarify what I was to do.

I start walking away form the crater and into the sunset world unsure of where I was actually going but, going somewhere nonetheless...

{Your POV}

I laugh with my friends as we walk along the streets of South Port in the country of Sokovia. We'd just had dinner and we were walking to our house we had rented while we were on summer break. We had decided to got to Sokovia because we heard that it had the best views and we were right! The sunrises and sunsets were gorgeous! We joked about the events of earlier that day, you know, a killer robot trying to destroy the world and how the Avengers had saved the day as per-usual.

"Want to play a game of Truth or Dare?" Stacy asks with her blonde hair flowing behind her and her crystal blue eyes sparkling.

"Sounds fun!" I reply happily and Vincent, Stacy, James, and I race back to the house.

We enter the house, panting with giant smiles on our faces. We sit in the living room and get comfortable before we begin. 

"Who wants to go first?" Vincent asked running a hand through his jet black spikey hair with his green eyes looking at me. "(Y/n), want to go?"

"You always pick me!" I say playfully. "But, ok. James, Truth or Dare?" I ask my red haired, blue eyed friend.

"Truth!" He says coolly.

"Did you think the world was going to end today?" I ask slyly.

James hesitates but, regains his cool. "No, didn't." He replied simply.

"Really? Because you started panicking once the ground began to rumble." Stacy says poking her friend in the side for she sat next to him on the couch.

"Ok, ok, fine! Yes, I did think the world was ending but, didn't we all?" James replied.

We all remained quiet and nodded for even though we're a happy-go-lucky gang, we were pretty terrified earlier today.

 "Anyway, James, you go." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Right, uh, Vincent, Truth or Dare?" James asked.

"Truth!" He replied happily.

"Which Five Nights at Freddy's characters do you like the most?" James said.

Vincent thought for a moment. "Purple Guy! Because he turns into a badass animatronic!"

We all laugh and Vincent asks his question. "Stace, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!!" Stacy replied jumping in her seat.

"Do a split!" Vince says slyly.

"You guys know I do gymnastics right?" She said surprised.

"Just do it!" I say dramatically.

Stacy shrugs, gets off the couch, and slides into a perfect split. We all clap and she bows at she's in her stretch. As Stace gets back on the couch she turns to me.

"Ok, (Y/n), Truth or Dare?" Stacy asks me.

"Dare!" I say smiling.

"Show how you'd defend yourself if your ex-boyfriend, Dave, tried to harm you again." Stace says and crisscrosses her legs on the couch.

I give her a determined look and get off the couch. I preform several punches and kicks to the air as if it was that rude jerks' face with his sandy hair and green eyes. After I'm done, I'm panting for I may have used to much of my negative energy to vent my feelings to nothing but, oxygen.

"Dude, is that really how you feel about him?" Vincent asks shocked at what I did.

"Hell yeah!" I snap. "That b**** won't ever be apart of my life again!"

Everyone chuckles and I sit back down and we begin our rounds of Truth or Dare all over again. As we played our game, the time flew by extremely fast. Though we didn't care we stayed up to midnight. We may have over looked that we were going back home to New York City tomorrow but, that just meant two cups of coffee in the morning!! We talked and laughed and I looked out the window to see to was almost pitch black outside except the stars that dotted the midnight sky.

"Ok...Last one." Stacy said slowly said creeping me out at her sudden change of tone. "Do any of you feel like you're being watched?" She asked creepily.

"WTF, Stace?" I say taken aback. "Why would you ask something like that?"

"Just stay quiet and feel the air." She said in her mystical voice.

I roll my eyes but, do as she asks. Everyone does...I feel the tense air around me as if a pair of burning eyes were on my neck.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Stacy, but, I watch free!" Vincent said leaning back coolly. "What about you, James?"

"I'm fine." He shrugged. "Got anything, (Y/n)?"

"Mmm? No..." I say not wanting to make my friends worry that I actually felt like something was watching me. "All I feel is tired. Let's hit the hay." 

We all agree and got to our separate rooms down a hall; girls in one room, boys in the other. As I pull out my pajamas Stacy speaks up.

"I know you felt something." She said retrieving her nightgown.

"What? How did you know?" I asked surprised.

"That look on your face." Stacy shrugged. "And the tone on your voice. The boys may overlook a girl's tone sometimes but girls, they know when someone is hiding something."


After brushing my teeth, I get into my twin bed and Stacy, hers. My bed was closer to the window which gave me the benefit of looking at the night sky whenever I wanted to. But, the feeling of being observed still lingered. As I looked outside through the trees, I could have sworn I saw a pair of dim, red, eyes look at me. I sat up to get a better look but, as soon as I did, they disappeared. I lay back down, trying to shrug off the feeling and falling into an uneasy sleep...

"She's the one..."   

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