Avengers Compound

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{Your POV}

My eyes slowly open and I find my head laying on a soft surface. I sit up and see I'm on a soft, teal, pleather, couch. As I look around, I see Scarlet Witch, Captain America, Iron Man, and Vison looking at me, sitting on a separate couch. Cap, Vison, and Scarlet were in their uniforms but, Iron Man or Tony was in a loose grey shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

"Hello, dear." Tony said cheerfully. "You doing alright?"

"Yeah...I think..." I reply rubbing my head. "I feel like I've just been shocked."

"You were." Captain America said plainly.

"By whom?" I ask.

"Well, it's been a couple hours but, Falcon did, on accident." Tony replied.

"Where am I?" I say tiredly.

"You're at the Avengers Compound in New York." Vision replied.

"What!?!" I cry hopping up but, falling back down from my shocked legs. I groan and burry my face in my hands.

"You ok, kid?" Cap asks.

"No, not really..." I reply looking at them. "I just traveled from Sokovia to New York...Wait, where's Ultron?" I say starting to panic.

"We've got him in a holding cell, won't hurt anybody while he's in there. And now, you're safe from him." Tony replied.

"But, I wasn't in danger when I was with him!" I say glaring at Tony.

"Yeah, he'd want you to say that when he really did hurt you." Tony said smiling as if this was a joke and looking at Vision for backup of his reasoning.

"Why don't you believe me?" I say taken aback.

"Because this is Ultron we're talking about! He's supposed to be dead!" Iron Man replied forcefully. "And he tricks and lies to people without a second thought!"

I sit there with my mouth agape for a moment. But, I close my mouth and look down in my lap.

"What did he want with you, (Y/n)?" Cap asked.

"He-he wanted my help...." I say quietly.

"Why does he want your help?" Wanda asked tilting her head to the side.

"Well, I don't really know, but, he found me and said he needed my help...at understanding something..." I reply.

"At what?" Tony said crossing his arms.

"Well, this is gonna sound crazy-" I begin.

"We live with crazy." Tony interjected. "So try us."

I glare at him for a moment before continuing. "He wanted to understand...um...love..." I say sheepishly and blush.

Suddenly, Iron Man burst out in a laughing fit. I look up at him in shock. He just sits there and laughs while everyone stares at him.

"What the hell is so funny?" I snap getting annoyed.

"Language!" Cap suddenly said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Tony replies trying to tame his laughter. "But, he's fooling you so good!"

"How would you know? Has he hung around you the most? Has he told you all about his personality? Has he come to you asking for help?" I say, anger boiling beneath the surface.

"No! And I don't need to know!" Tony replied in a snappy tone. "I know what I need to know and that's all!"

"Alright, you two that's enough!" Cap said braking the tension. "Tony, (Y/n)'s been through a lot, let's try to cut her some slack."

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