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{Ultron's POV}

That's her...that's the one perfect for my mission! No one else will fill this position. I stand behind a tree in the middle of the night and I just got a glimpse of the person I need. If I heard correctly, she's going returning tomorrow and it's in New York. I hate New York... I wonder if my rockets still work? I test my jets on my feet and back to see if they're still functional and thankfully, they are. I still need to study her patterns to make sure it's the absolute perfect moment to reveal myself. Everything is going perfectly...

{Your POV}

I wake up the next morning with the feeling of being watched gone and I sigh in relief for that. Suddenly, realization hits me like a truck; we're leaving in a few hours! I jump out of bed and shake Stacy to get her to wake up.

"(Y/n)? What the hell?" Stacy asks grumpily.

"Come on, dummy! It's time to wake up! We have to pack to get to the airport on time!" I say surprisingly energetic.

"What?!? That time already!?!" Stace hopes out of bed and grabs a pair of clothes and dashes to the bathroom to get ready.

I walk across the hall and knock on the boys' bedroom door. "Hey, guys! Time to wake up!!" I yell and get no response. I roll my eyes and know what I have to do. I cackle manically and use a creepy voice for Toy Chica because I know they're secretly scared of the second FNAF game. "Oh, boys! Come on out so we can have some fun!" I say loud enough so they can hear me.

I hear shrieks coming from the room and I smile knowing my plan had worked. The boys open the door and see me standing there with my hands on my hips. "You ready to go?" I ask Vince and James.

"We will in a few minutes." Vincent replies and ruffles his black hair.  

They close the door and I walk into the kitchen while everyone's getting ready and I begin to make coffee for everyone. As I put the things together for the coffee I hear something, something like...singing?

"I had strings but, now I'm free..." A faint, male, voice said from outside.

I turn towards the back door and go outside on the patio. I stay there for a moment or two in my bare feet but, all I could here was the birds chirping.

"Hello?" I call out uncertainly but, no one answers.

I skeptically turn back to the door to go back inside and right before I turn the knob the voice speaks again.

"There are no strings on me..."

The hairs on my neck stand on end and I spin around to see who's there but still, all I see is golden light streaming through the forest behind the house and a few birds flying here and there. I rush inside the house and shut the door, panting. That voice seemed almost...metallic...

"(Y/n), are you ok?" Vincent asks me with a cup of coffee in his hand in his usual clothes.

"Yeah, yeah, I just say a really big horsefly." I say lying and knowing that they'd buy it because I'm terrified of anything that stings, buzzes, or flies.

"Dude, you have to get over that fear of bugs. They're always gonna be there!" James says sitting on one of the stools near the counter.

"Well, I can't help it!!" I snap and walk over to get my coffee. 

James, Vincent, and I eat breakfast and soon Stacy joins us. After I eating, I go and get dressed in a black shirt, jean shorts, and sneakers. I pack my stuff up and bring my suitcase to the front door. I see everyone still chatting it up I walk over to them.

"Make sure you guys pack or we won't be ready." I say to them seriously.

"Whatever, mom." Vincent says rolling his eyes. "Unlike you, we boys packed before breakfast. We're just waiting for Stace to hurry her lazy butt up."

"Say that again and I'm punching you." Stacy said pointing her cereal spoon at Vince.

"I'm going for a walk, no fighting and let me know when it's time to leave." I say walking towards the backdoor. 

Everyone waves 'bye' to me and I head out the door determined to figure out who was singing. I know it's a little crazy but, the thought will drive me crazy if I don't investigate. Besides, when's the next time I'm gonna hear that voice again?

I walk off the patio and straight into the forest. I admire the slanting sunlight as it shines through the trees as I walk along. The sounds of nature really seemed to make me forget what I was doing in the woods but, the thought came back.

If trying to call out the voice didn't work, what will?

The first time I heard it, it was singing...should I sing as well?

It's worth a shot...

How did it go again?

"I had strings but, now I'm free..." I sang, my voice like honey, echoed into to the woods.

There was silence for a moment.

"There are no strings on me..."  

The voice came back! But, now what?

"Uh, hello?" I asked looking around.

"Hello." The voice replied gently.

"Who are you?" I say getting excited but, nervous too.

"I'll explain later...who are you?" The voice asked.

"My name is...(Y/n)..." I reply carefully.

"You don't need to be afraid, (Y/n). I won't hurt you..."

"That's what my ex-boyfriend said!" I shoot back angerly. "But, he hurt me anyway!"

"Oh...I see..." The voice said sadly. "I'll leave if that's what you want..."

"No! Wait!" I say panicking. "I didn't mean it like that!"


"I'm sorry it's just I hate when someone mentions him. It burns me up!" 

"I'm sorry I made you think of him but, don't worry I will reveal myself to you soon. Once you're home...that's when I will do it."

"How will you get to my house? It's not in Sokovia." I ask confused.

"I know that and...I have my ways...trust me." The voice said luring me into a unknown comfort.

"(Y/N)!! TIME TO GO!!!" James called me at the backdoor.

"COMING!!!" I call back. "I'm sorry, I have to go." I say to the voice.

"Don't you worry, I'll see you soon." The voice replied softly.

I sprint back to the door and I'm out of breath once I reach James.

"What were you doing all the way out there?" My friend asks me once I catch my breath.

"I told you, taking a walk!" I reply looking at him.

"Well, anyway, let's go."

I follow James inside to see Vincent and Stacy waiting for me by the back door. We grab out luggage and head to our rental car and drive to the airport. Once on the plain, I get a window seat and look out into the blue atmosphere with it's wisps of white clouds. My mind turns over everything me and the voice talked about. It barely gave any information about it's own self even though I said my name. Who is this mysterious person?

{Ultron's POV}

I fly into the sky behind (Y/n)'s plane to make sure I knew where she lived. I felt something inside my chest...a fluttering. Is that normal? Probably. I feel...excited? Maybe...but, anyway, I fly behind the plain to carry out my mission...   

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