(Wednesday, July 26; nearing midnight)

Alec: I'm thinking of buying a fish tank.

Adrian: Where did that come from?

Adrian: Never mind. I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Alec.

Alec: See you tomorrow.

Alec: See you tomorrow

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"Who is he?" Sasha knew how much I disapproved it when she sat on my desk, but she did it anyway

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"Who is he?" Sasha knew how much I disapproved it when she sat on my desk, but she did it anyway. "And don't play dumb. You are spending a lot of time grinning at your phone."


She rolled her eyes.

"Didn't I just tell you not to play dumb, Ian? Who did you meet, where and when, and why does he make you smile so much?"

I placed my phone next to a stack of papers on my desk and crossed my arms over my chest. With me sitting on a chair, I had to look up to see Sasha's face, but her strategically elevated position wouldn't help her.

"Seriously?" She asked. "The silence treatment?"

"There's no one you should know about."

"I'm your friend and partner, Ian. If there's a guy in your life..."

"We are not dating," I cut her off.

"So there is a guy?"

We spent the next minute or so staring at each other, not exchanging a word. I was usually above such childish displays, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. Alec had been a sore topic for me for so long that I had no strength to explain our current relationship, and more than that: I wasn't sure what was going on.

That in itself was scary and not something I wanted to admit to Sasha.

"I'm not going to give up, Ian, so save yourself the headache and just tell me already."

I was quiet for another minute or so, then I sighed and looked around. Everyone in the office was busy working, something the two of us should've also been doing. I still beckoned her closer with my finger and once our heads were near each other, I whispered:

Sweeter than Sweets {M/M} (Dogs, Bats & Monkey Series, Book III)Where stories live. Discover now